I'm sorry every one, but I'm an A-hole anymore. I hope this kid dies, I know it was his B-day and better things should have taken place on this day, too bad the kid wasn't put-down by the police/sheriffs dept., it's time that these "tards" pay for their fowl actions and a lesson needs to be taught. The herd needs to be culled, and I know I'm going to catch a lot of hell for this comment and I don't care, but parents today, don't keep their off-spring squared up, like most of us were back in our day (discipline was a big thing for me), we weren't perfect, but we didn't take guns to school and shoot up our classmates, hell, we weren't allowed to take pocket knives to school, but we did and we sure as hell didn't cut-up our classmates with them. Now the first thing these stupid-ass kids do is, get daddy's handgun and go to school and shoot it up, just F! I just don't get it. All I can do is blame the parents for not taking the time to keep a thumb on what their kid(s) are doing, social media or otherwise and not teaching them that life is going to suck at times and you're not going to get a trophy for every F'n thing you do, so get over it. Society as a whole, just plain F'n sucks! Mac