Not even close, TBAC is in another league.
MHSA used to be the exclusive distributor for SAS and I proof tested rifles with them prior to delivery. The SAS cans were so inconsistent in their execution I would not own one. And let me say, I have roughly 30 suppressors in my collection. I could have gotten a free SAS can have I asked and routinely turned them down as I saw just how bad they were. It got to be where I could look at them and know which ones would work and which ones would not. It went south when I had them load up a big bag of them to check accuracy and a significant number of them would not hit the target. I had one hit 25ft in front of us, at that point it all changed, MHSA diversified.
if you were going to buy a SAS when they were dumping them below cost, you might have an argument to say, "that is worth it" but really, no. It's like they are made in a garage by whoever he can get on any given day to weld them. In my opinion after seeing so many up close and personal, look elsewhere (TBAC). Personalities being what they are, this has nothing to do with the people but everything to do with end results. Yes, there are some decent ones, but even the good ones would take a 3/8th-inch group and turn them into a 3/4 inch one. The SAS just do this weird spiral pattern to put everything in one hole, but usually a bigger one.
TBAC is the best precision rifle cans on the market, consistently so, precision rifle shooters making precision rifle cans. - You're welcome.