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Savage 7mm rem mag to 7mm prc, what's needed?


Full Member
Jan 27, 2012
Avondale, AZ
Hello all. Im relatively new to bolt action rifles (mostly a precision gasser) but wanting to dabble in bolt actions.

Wife has an older Savage 110 7mm rem mag she used for hunting but hasnt shot it in atleast 12+ years. I was looking to change it up some and thought about going to 7mm prc. My question is, without making this some over the top build, what's all needed for the conversation?

I figured a nice chassis wouldn't hurt (maybe in the $500ish range...maybe a MDT LSS-LX). I'd prefer to spend the money on a quality barrel (criterion). I just don't know what twist is best for 7mm prc. also, would the bolt face need to be swapped? I'm sure I'll have to swap to a magazine base as well but that will depend on the chassis.

Also, what is needed to convert it from an internal magazine (blind mag) to a box fed? Just swap out the bottom metal?

My goal with this rifle is a solid longer range (1200-1500 yards) rifle without trying to break the bank.
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You’d just need a barrel. 7.5 or 8 twist. Same bolt face. Should work in the current mags.

As someone that once had a savage that he wanted to customize, I’d generally recommend against it. Customizing savages is kinda a pain since they switch bolt releases and magazine setups every 2 years. You can make the 7 mag a very capable long range round with some reloading. If you want a 7 PRC and a decent long range rifle, I’d sell the savage and use the chassis money towards one of the Bergara rifles in 7 PRC.

I would also not start long range shooting with a magnum. 6.5 creed or 308 let’s you shoot more and learn the basics much faster.
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Oh ok. I wasn't sure if there was something else out there for the swap. I know it's a savage and they aren't loved here. But I figure for about $1k..it would be an "affordable" option.

As far as long range shooting, with my ARs, I started with the good old 223 wylde, then went to 308 and my current is my valkyrie. The valkyrie I just love but it's getting tough to see any splash/trail past 1400 yards. I can hear if it hit steel..but im not seeing it. That...and I'd like to try 1500+
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