WTB Savage B22 or B22 Precision W/Threaded Barrel

Wanting To Buy


Jul 20, 2019
Baker, Fl
As the title states I am looking for a Savage B22 I am not going to be to pickey on the sub model but it must have a threaded barrel. I have cash and/or trade. My holy grail rifle would be a Savage B22 Precision Blue Titanium but that is a long shot so I would be content with any model
Was looking for one myself. Used market is pretty slim. Even after looking on SH, AS, LRH, and armslist, gunbroker had the best prices, and they have most of the models. Most stores don’t have them as I am sure you are aware. Good luck in your search
They are in stock at a lockenloaded right now but was hoping to find one used but you are correct and I doubt I will find one.
Here is a link to the instock ones if you are interested

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Thanks, Yeah I seen those and they are nice rifle but seeing how CCI quiets and a can are far quieter than my crossbow it makes it damn hard to want anything else.
I had a MKII FV-SR in 22lr and loved it but HATE the mag design so much that I sold it and bought an RPR Rimfire. It's nice rifle and is a tack driver except with CCI quiets and the only fix is to rebarrel it at $200+.
Did you ever find one? Just stumbled across this thread and saw one at my LGS with a proof barrel. I think it’s the B22 precision lite model. It was $750ish. I’ve been debating on picking it up. I was hellbent on buying it until I read about the issues with accuracy.