Savage Repeaters in 6br - Extraction & Ejection


Sergeant of the Hide
Full Member
Jun 22, 2018
PSA for savage shooters struggling with case extraction and ejection for 6br. I searched for an answer when I started this gun and I think this is the best solution.

Last year I put together a 6br on a Savage 12 LRP with an Accurate Mag bottom metal feeding from a modified Magpul Mag. From day 1 ejection was hit or miss. This has become fairly annoying and I was considering selling it, but at least I wasn’t losing Lapua cases!

I recently purchased the Tactical Works Savage improved extractor kit and installed it with no issues. The extractor blade is far beefier than the factory extractor. This part swap has resulted in nearly 100% extraction and ejection reliability (can the world guarantee 100% of anything with all the lawyers out there?). I highly recommend the minor $25 investment if you want to use your savage as a true repeater.

Cross posted on Accurate Shooter. Gotta put this out into the ether so other poor bastards aren't afraid to build on a Savage.
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The ejector is much stronger in that kit...make sure it's not throwing the cases into the receiver abutment edge and putting dents in them. I have softened that point/edge in all my Savage actions.