That was a crazy low price.
We have these in stock:
878-911-975-A5-A2 12-50x56/P4F 1/8 1/4MOA ccw MT/ST 2nd focal originally $3,200.00 reduced to $2,749.99
878-911-972-A5-A5 12-50x56/P4F 1/8MOA ccw MT/DT First focal originally $3,200.00 reduced to $2,749.99
878-911-855-A5-A5 12-50X56/SPORT FINE 1/4 1/8 CCW 2ND FOCAL MT/DT originally $3,200.00 reduced to $2,749.99
878-911-972-A6-62 12-50x56/P4F 1/4 cm cw MT/ST originally $3,200.00 reduced to $2,749.99
For this afternoon, anyone who mentions this thread, we'll do any of these scopes for $2,599.99 shipped