Here's links to 2 listings for EuroOptic S&B USMC scopes that sold in 2024, all of these scopes are new in box condition. This should give you guys some information about the serial number ranges for these scopes and how to price them. The real contract overrun USMC scopes are in the 377xxx serial number range, so keep that in mind if you're trying to purchase one of these scopes. I hope that all the USMC M8541 scope information I've posted in this forum thread has helped people out, please let me know if anyone has any questions for me.
Serial numbers 377567 and 377568 from the first group (Flip batch) of EuroOptic S&B USMC M8541 SSDS contact overrun scopes. Both of these scope sold for $3,400 each, which is far less than their estimated value of about $5,000 each. The guys who purchased these actual USMC contract overrun scopes got a great deal on them at $3,400 per scope!
Serial number 491281 from a more recent group EuroOptic scopes, this scope is 51 numbers away from the scope that's currently listed on GunBroker. This scope sold for $3,500, which is what the scopes from later EuroOptic batches should be selling for. Even if these scopes are sold out and S&B never makes more, the value of these scopes will increase a little bit, but I'd say that $4,500 would be the maximum reasonable price for a scope that is discontinued. Right now we have no idea if these scopes are actually discontinued or if EuroOptic is currently between batches that they're getting from S&B.
I used to own S&B USMC M8541 scope, serial number 377574, that was from the very first batch of these scopes that EuroOptic sold (the infamous Flip batch). This is a real USMC M8541 SSDS contact overrun scope, not one of the recent reproduction/limited production S&B USMC scopes from later EuroOptic batches. I say that I "used" to own this scope because I donated it to the Scout Sniper Association (SSA) to be used on their next raffle rifle (M40A5). So, anyone here who purchases tickets for the upcoming SSA rifle raffle will have a chance to own my S&B USMC M8541 SSDS scope mounted to an epic M40A5 sniper rifle clone! I'll update everyone when this SSA rifle raffle goes live in a few days.