So I use to have a Viper 6-20.5x50 on my 308 and it was recently replaced by a vortex PST. I am thinking of getting a good 22 trainer(instead of my marlin 795) and need a scope. I would love to put my last viper on it BUT theres one big probelm with it. Its meant for longer range, so just like many other long range scopes the parallax adjustment doesn't go below 50 yards. Since this is for a 22 I would like something that can focus in on something at as low as 25 yards.
So to get to the point, Is there something like the vortex viper 6-20.5x50 thats in the same price range or cheaper but can focus in on things closer than 50 yards.
So to get to the point, Is there something like the vortex viper 6-20.5x50 thats in the same price range or cheaper but can focus in on things closer than 50 yards.