SEA-TAC aircraft hijack / theft?


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  • Dec 2, 2011
    Adelaide, South Australia

    Plane stolen by ‘suicidal’ employee crashes near Seattle

    An onlooker captured a shot of the Alaska Airlines plane in the skies over Seattle. "We are aware of an incident involving an unauthorized take-off of a Horizon Air Q400. We believe there are no passengers on board. More information as we learn more." | Twitter video

    Elaine Thompson and Michael Balsamo | AP

    SEATAC, Wash. — A “suicidal” airline employee stole an empty Horizon Air turboprop plane, took off from Sea-Tac International Airport and was chased by military jets before crashing into a small island in the Puget Sound on Friday night, officials said.
    Preliminary information suggests the crash occurred because the 29-year-old man was “doing stunts in air or lack of flying skills,” the Pierce County Sheriff’s Department said.
    Ed Troyer, a spokesman for the Pierce County Sheriff’s Department, said on Twitter the man was suicidal and there was no connection to terrorism.
    Video showed the Horizon Air Q400 doing large loops and other dangerous maneuvers as the sun set on the Puget Sound. There were no passengers aboard. Authorities initially said the man was a mechanic but Alaska Airlines later said he was believed to be a ground service agent employed by Horizon. Those employees direct aircraft for takeoff and gate approach and de-ice planes.
    Witnesses reported seeing the plane being chased by military aircraft before it crashed on Ketron Island, southwest of Tacoma, Washington. Troyer said F-15 aircraft scrambled out of Portland, Oregon, and were in the air “within a few minutes” and the pilots kept “people on the ground safe.”
    The sheriff’s department said they were working to conduct a background investigation on the Pierce County resident, whose name was not immediately released.
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    Leslie Lopez


    Stuck on the taxiway at Seattle SeaTac Airport- getting reports a plane was stolen. No planes are moving. @ABC7
    1:28 PM - Aug 11, 2018 · SeaTac, WA
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    Ben Schaechter@Bensign

    Halfway down the runway on Alaska airlines out of Seattle and the pilot slams on the brakes and shares we must go back to the gate. Quite a scary experience. Not entirely sure what’s happening. Someone sneak on board?
    12:22 PM - Aug 11, 2018
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    Twitter lit up with posts speculating about the circumstances of the plane’s hijacking and what might happen.

    Gary Horcher


    Air traffic controllers We’re trying to get someone named “Rich” piloting the on authorized Horizon flight to land safely. We’re following reports of a crash now near Anderson Island
    1:39 PM - Aug 11, 2018 · SeaTac, WA
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    After a chase by fighter jets, the aircraft crashed.
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    Plane stolen by ‘suicidal’ employee crashes near Seattle

    An onlooker captured a shot of the Alaska Airlines plane in the skies over Seattle. "We are aware of an incident involving an unauthorized take-off of a Horizon Air Q400. We believe there are no passengers on board. More information as we learn more." | Twitter video

    Elaine Thompson and Michael Balsamo | AP

    SEATAC, Wash. — A “suicidal” airline employee stole an empty Horizon Air turboprop plane, took off from Sea-Tac International Airport and was chased by military jets before crashing into a small island in the Puget Sound on Friday night, officials said.
    Preliminary information suggests the crash occurred because the 29-year-old man was “doing stunts in air or lack of flying skills,” the Pierce County Sheriff’s Department said.
    Ed Troyer, a spokesman for the Pierce County Sheriff’s Department, said on Twitter the man was suicidal and there was no connection to terrorism.
    Video showed the Horizon Air Q400 doing large loops and other dangerous maneuvers as the sun set on the Puget Sound. There were no passengers aboard. Authorities initially said the man was a mechanic but Alaska Airlines later said he was believed to be a ground service agent employed by Horizon. Those employees direct aircraft for takeoff and gate approach and de-ice planes.
    Witnesses reported seeing the plane being chased by military aircraft before it crashed on Ketron Island, southwest of Tacoma, Washington. Troyer said F-15 aircraft scrambled out of Portland, Oregon, and were in the air “within a few minutes” and the pilots kept “people on the ground safe.”
    The sheriff’s department said they were working to conduct a background investigation on the Pierce County resident, whose name was not immediately released.
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    Stuck on the taxiway at Seattle SeaTac Airport- getting reports a plane was stolen. No planes are moving. @ABC7
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    Halfway down the runway on Alaska airlines out of Seattle and the pilot slams on the brakes and shares we must go back to the gate. Quite a scary experience. Not entirely sure what’s happening. Someone sneak on board?​
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    Twitter lit up with posts speculating about the circumstances of the plane’s hijacking and what might happen.
    Air traffic controllers We’re trying to get someone named “Rich” piloting the on authorized Horizon flight to land safely. We’re following reports of a crash now near Anderson Island​
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    FAA sources say it appears an airline employee stole a Horizon Air Turbo Prop from SeaTac and took off and crashed Ketron Island outside Seattle​
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    After a chase by fighter jets, the aircraft crashed.

    Huh, imagine my front yard. Hope he didn’t harm anyone. Those Q400’s are very stout airplanes.
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    Agree. One of my nephews is a Delta FO. I'll have to ask him what kind of a shitstorm this will create at work.
    My best guess, a whole new wave of background checks and random background checks. I wouldn’t be surprised if we saw mental health screening. This guy was not even a pilot, but pilots will suffer the most. Then some one will invent a boot for the tires to be put on planes while on the ground at a agate hangar or hard stand and it’s use will be mandated.
    I am only surprised that it has not happened more frequently, this is not the first time, given the reach of main stream media these days more and more people get the idea to try things like this. Once upon a time we used to be able to keep things quiet to avoid copycats but freedom of the press and instant worldwide communication have somehow improved things? ps I am living in Australia and started this thread.

    Plane stolen by ‘suicidal’ employee crashes near Seattle

    An onlooker captured a shot of the Alaska Airlines plane in the skies over Seattle. "We are aware of an incident involving an unauthorized take-off of a Horizon Air Q400. We believe there are no passengers on board. More information as we learn more." | Twitter video

    Elaine Thompson and Michael Balsamo | AP

    SEATAC, Wash. — A “suicidal” airline employee stole an empty Horizon Air turboprop plane, took off from Sea-Tac International Airport and was chased by military jets before crashing into a small island in the Puget Sound on Friday night, officials said.
    Preliminary information suggests the crash occurred because the 29-year-old man was “doing stunts in air or lack of flying skills,” the Pierce County Sheriff’s Department said.
    Ed Troyer, a spokesman for the Pierce County Sheriff’s Department, said on Twitter the man was suicidal and there was no connection to terrorism.
    Video showed the Horizon Air Q400 doing large loops and other dangerous maneuvers as the sun set on the Puget Sound. There were no passengers aboard. Authorities initially said the man was a mechanic but Alaska Airlines later said he was believed to be a ground service agent employed by Horizon. Those employees direct aircraft for takeoff and gate approach and de-ice planes.
    Witnesses reported seeing the plane being chased by military aircraft before it crashed on Ketron Island, southwest of Tacoma, Washington. Troyer said F-15 aircraft scrambled out of Portland, Oregon, and were in the air “within a few minutes” and the pilots kept “people on the ground safe.”
    The sheriff’s department said they were working to conduct a background investigation on the Pierce County resident, whose name was not immediately released.
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    Stuck on the taxiway at Seattle SeaTac Airport- getting reports a plane was stolen. No planes are moving. @ABC7
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    Halfway down the runway on Alaska airlines out of Seattle and the pilot slams on the brakes and shares we must go back to the gate. Quite a scary experience. Not entirely sure what’s happening. Someone sneak on board?​
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    Twitter lit up with posts speculating about the circumstances of the plane’s hijacking and what might happen.
    Air traffic controllers We’re trying to get someone named “Rich” piloting the on authorized Horizon flight to land safely. We’re following reports of a crash now near Anderson Island​
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    FAA sources say it appears an airline employee stole a Horizon Air Turbo Prop from SeaTac and took off and crashed Ketron Island outside Seattle​
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    After a chase by fighter jets, the aircraft crashed.

    Jumpin judist priest you gave me a scare Barney!! Put my wife on Alaska Airlines flight to Seattle early this morning? Fuck me runnin backward through a swamp on a pogo stick singin Yankee Doodle dandy you got my attention with that one????
    It should be against the law to leave the keys in the plane. Lol

    Would not chap my ass if the ANG had lit it up, live fire on a moving target, nice.
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    Jumpin judist priest you gave me a scare Barney!! Put my wife on Alaska Airlines flight to Seattle early this morning? Fuck me runnin backward through a swamp on a pogo stick singin Yankee Doodle dandy you got my attention with that one????

    Shit that happens becomes a misadventurous object lesson, especially when magnified by propinquity and unthinkable happenstance. Eventually, we might become the they and burn ourselves briefly into the horrified conscience of another considering our fate. There, but for God ...
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    Sorry about that RNWRKNP , the story broke on prime time down here and I figured most of you would have been asleep.

    Would have been but up well before day break to put her on a plane. Won’t be needing the rest of that coffee??? No worries amigo, just saw Alaska Airlines and hijacked and had a panicky moment?
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    Shit that happens becomes a misadventurous object lesson, especially when magnified by propinquity and unthinkable happenstance. Eventually, we might become the they and burn ourselves briefly into the horrified conscience of another considering our fate. There, but for God ...

    Amen to that brother? 30 years and married for 26.....
    A good friend of mine and his wife were on the tarmac waiting to take off when this happened. They were idling for so long that the plane had to refuel before it took off. Sea-Tac to John Wayne. They didn't get to OC until 0230.
    It should be against the law to leave the keys in the plane. Lol

    I hope that’s sarcasm by the “lol” at the end

    The media running away with “it all started with the flick of a switch” is so ridiculous.

    If you know the start procedure they are cake to start.

    I wish for once, we could have someone film the whole thing with a decent camera and keep it in frame the whole time. Everyone seems to gain an extra chromosome when filming something fun to watch.
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    From a Fox News article, this is what the FBI thinks of pilots:
    “If he had the skill set to do loops with a plane like this, he certainly had the capacity to fly it into a building and kill people on the ground,” said Erroll Southers, a former FBI agent and transportation security expert.

    Yeah he's a former FBI agent. No, he didn't learn to think like this after he left the FBI.
    From a Fox News article, this is what the FBI thinks of pilots:

    Yeah he's a former FBI agent. No, he didn't learn to think like this after he left the FBI.

    If an FBI Agent has the skill set to investigate conspiracy than he must certainly have the desire and willingness to conduct a conspiratorial coup against a duly elected President.
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