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Sean Penn...American Men are Pussies

Arc Light

Sheeple Herder
Full Member
  • Aug 13, 2012

    Rarely agree with Sean Penn's politics, but on this he is 100% on point. I've been saying the same thing for the last 25 years it seems. What the fuck has happened to men in this country? Young boys playing with dolls? Children being encouraged to identify with whatever sex they "prefer". These metro-sexual skinny jeans wearing, latte sipping, feminine men that I see everywhere nowadays. I'm not that old, in my 50's. You didn't see any of this shit when I was growing up. God help us if our woke military ever does get into a full blown war with China or Russia.
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    I live right outside of Ft Carson so I don’t see it as much.

    That said, this whole thing is the process where we ask a question, globally, and answer it over the course of about 120 years.

    “Are effeminate sexual deviants with no family, no religion, no patriotism, and no sense of self worth going to defeat hordes of die hard communists and Islamic religious fanatics?”

    I’m pretty sure I know the answer to that.
    Bullshit! Liberal American men are pussies.

    Call a roughneck, ranch hand, coal miner or fisherman a pussy and the next time you sling that word around you'll be doing it with a lisp.
    But at least they won’t be allowed to discriminate against you now. Aren’t people with speech impediments on the protected ‘lisp’?
    Bullshit! Liberal American men are pussies.

    Call a roughneck, ranch hand, coal miner or fisherman a pussy and the next time you sling that word around you'll be doing it with a lisp.
    No doubt. But what about in 10, 15, 20+ years? Never seen the level of male pussification that I've seen in the last 10-20 years. Liberals like to talk about "toxic masculinity," if you have any testosterone it's a bad thing. We are seeing the results of their policies and indoctrination in public schools.
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    Because we let women, and worse the state, raise the kids, like what the fuck did people think was going to happen.

    It’s like the dumb fucking fudds with all the American flag BS who goes and shops at Wally World.

    Dumping generations off at government centers to be raised, let’s be honest most don’t really enjoy time with their kids anyways, have the state send a buss to pick them up, have them delivered back to your door because lazy, and meh as far as what happens for the majority of the day.

    The state is more of a parent figure to most of the children in this country than the biological breeding stock is.

    It’s not the liberals, it’s not CNN, not soy milk or whatever in the tap water, it’s a ton of oops preggo kids, and can’t be bothered absent parents.

    Folks need to take some fucking ownership for what they launch out of their neither regions.
    Because we let women, and worse the state, raise the kids, like what the fuck did people think was going to happen.

    It’s like the dumb fucking fudds with all the American flag BS who goes and shops at Wally World.

    Dumping generations off at government centers to be raised, let’s be honest most don’t really enjoy time with their kids anyways, have the state send a buss to pick them up, have them delivered back to your door because lazy, and meh as far as what happens for the majority of the day.

    The state is more of a parent figure to most of the children in this country than the biological breeding stock is.

    It’s not the liberals, it’s not CNN, not soy milk or whatever in the tap water, it’s a ton of oops preggo kids, and can’t be bothered absent parents.

    Folks need to take some fucking ownership for what they launch out of their neither regions.
    Ding ding!
    Because we let women, and worse the state, raise the kids, like what the fuck did people think was going to happen.

    It’s like the dumb fucking fudds with all the American flag BS who goes and shops at Wally World.

    Dumping generations off at government centers to be raised, let’s be honest most don’t really enjoy time with their kids anyways, have the state send a buss to pick them up, have them delivered back to your door because lazy, and meh as far as what happens for the majority of the day.

    The state is more of a parent figure to most of the children in this country than the biological breeding stock is.

    It’s not the liberals, it’s not CNN, not soy milk or whatever in the tap water, it’s a ton of oops preggo kids, and can’t be bothered absent parents.

    Folks need to take some fucking ownership for what they launch out of their neither regions.
    I never had kids, for a few reasons, one reason being if it never worked out with the woman, the state/courts do a great job of proving how sexist they are against a father.
    I went out to dinner the other night with my wife and some colleagues. I rarely go out any more, I am not a big fan of restaurant food and hate the crowded cluster fuck my town has become. Anyways, as I am eating, I am taking stock of some of the other patrons in the restaurant. I am amazed at a couple of things.

    1. The amount of young (college aged) kids in the place. This was a nicer restaurant, the kind with 50-70 dollar plates, and there were droves of college kids in there drinking some type of drink out of Martini glasses and fancy cups. When I was that age, there was no fucking way I could afford to eat there.
    2. The general appearance of most of the dudes in there. There was a bunch of hair gel, fancy haircuts, skinny jeans, skinny jackets (is this a thing?) and boots that aren't really boots, but some type of high top wing tip thing. Clearly a bunch of thought went into their wardrobe. I would say the majority of the guys in there were dressed that way. It struck me as a real "chick" thing to do.
    3. All the hot chicks with the above! Apparently it is a thing for chicks to have boyfriends or husbands who put more time into their appearance than they do.

    I guess this is probably a generational thing, which is the scariest part to me. The overall pussification of our country is well under way and it is going to take John Rambo as Commander in Chief to unfuck this.
    Because we let women, and worse the state, raise the kids, like what the fuck did people think was going to happen.

    It’s like the dumb fucking fudds with all the American flag BS who goes and shops at Wally World.

    Dumping generations off at government centers to be raised, let’s be honest most don’t really enjoy time with their kids anyways, have the state send a buss to pick them up, have them delivered back to your door because lazy, and meh as far as what happens for the majority of the day.

    The state is more of a parent figure to most of the children in this country than the biological breeding stock is.

    It’s not the liberals, it’s not CNN, not soy milk or whatever in the tap water, it’s a ton of oops preggo kids, and can’t be bothered absent parents.

    Folks need to take some fucking ownership for what they launch out of their neither regions.
    This is definitely a big part of it. When my brother and I were growing up my mother stayed at home to raise us. My dad wouldn't let her work. Didn't want us raised by leftist teachers and strangers with unknown morals, beliefs, etc. Financially it wasn't easy, but looking back it was 100% the right call.
    I went out to dinner the other night with my wife and some colleagues. I rarely go out any more, I am not a big fan of restaurant food and hate the crowded cluster fuck my town has become. Anyways, as I am eating, I am taking stock of some of the other patrons in the restaurant. I am amazed at a couple of things.

    1. The amount of young (college aged) kids in the place. This was a nicer restaurant, the kind with 50-70 dollar plates, and there were droves of college kids in there drinking some type of drink out of Martini glasses and fancy cups. When I was that age, there was no fucking way I could afford to eat there.
    2. The general appearance of most of the dudes in there. There was a bunch of hair gel, fancy haircuts, skinny jeans, skinny jackets (is this a thing?) and boots that aren't really boots, but some type of high top wing tip thing. Clearly a bunch of thought went into their wardrobe. I would say the majority of the guys in there were dressed that way. It struck me as a real "chick" thing to do.
    3. All the hot chicks with the above! Apparently it is a thing for chicks to have boyfriends or husbands who put more time into their appearance than they do.

    I guess this is probably a generational thing, which is the scariest part to me. The overall pussification of our country is well under way and it is going to take John Rambo as Commander in Chief to unfuck this.

    You think it’ll be some politicians and gov who rush in, save your day and un fuck things???? They are the ones who had a MAJOR hand in fucking it up in the first place, it also doesn’t benefit them to have stronger more independent citizens, they want people who’s reflex is to make the comment like yours, “gov save me, you’re my only hope”.

    It’ll be your neighbors taking responsibility and putting in some damn budgeting (time and money) and thought in before they squirt out more humans.

    And don’t think it’s just liberals, lots of the red hat types dump their crotch fruit off on the state raise,

    “I don’t have time to home school”
    logs hours a day watching TV and wife works a job that doesn’t even pay enough to justify the gas to get there.

    “I don’t have money for private school”
    Finances a 60k truck he’s 20k upside down on and buys insurance for EVERYTHING, plus wife has a financed SUV that was 40k and she’s 10k upside down on.
    No doubt. But what about in 10, 15, 20+ years? Never seen the level of male pussification that I've seen in the last 10-20 years. Liberals like to talk about "toxic masculinity," if you have any testosterone it's a bad thing. We are seeing the results of their policies and indoctrination in public schools.
    My boys still play rough. Too rough. They hold doors open, say ma'am and are quick to give up their seat or their jacket. When I'm outside working they are too. None of them use any pronouns other than he/she, him/her either.

    If a child is "indoctrinated" through the public school system their parents have failed them. A child shouldn't respect and/or look up to their teacher more their parents. I don't like the situation either, but we're far from helpless when dealing with the issue.

    Like most of our country's problems, poor parenting is largely to blame.
    3. All the hot chicks with the above! Apparently it is a thing for chicks to have boyfriends or husbands who put more time into their appearance than they do.
    Those boot like wing tips, bespoke suits and top shelf martini things cost money.

    There's a good chance half of those hot chicks are banging the office janitor, their blue collar neighbor or the pool boy. Some of those guys in the suits might be cooking them breakfast in the morning.

    Strange times.... strange times....
    The last place I worked was a fine example of life under the yoke. It was a public utility district and the management firmly believed it was a private company and they had threatened and menaced their employees until they were all afraid of the management, even the union employees. In the two years I worked there, 60% of their employees had been fired, retired or harassed into quitting. I filed a grievance based on the fact they were violating union work rules, privacy laws, federal law and state laws with a plan to put audio and video surveillance in break rooms, monitoring rest rooms and inside company trucks specifically to "root out dissent and find employees who speak ill of management" according to an email they sent me when questioning the plan.

    Not one single employee would sign on to the grievance with me........................not one. They were all happy I did it, I was threatened with termination over it and they sent a lawyer to my workplace, an hour away from the headquarters to personally threaten me. When I sat down with them, I let them know that I had a lawyer chomping at the bit to sue this one into great personal wealth. My lawyer had won this same case four times in my home state with a minimum of a $450,000 win in a case of a county employee who was illegally recorded in his workplace and fired for disliking his boss. We were waiting on the first camera to be installed to punch this lottery ticket. Not one employee stood with me out of hundreds, all of them patted me on the back when I won. Except 12 people in management of course.

    When you stand up to horrible people, democrats, communists, NAZIs or BLM thugs and similar types of scum, you are doing it alone. There is no "strength in numbers" for those on the side of right. Ashley Babbit died alone, while her death was filmed by antifa scumbags and antifa scum sold the footage to news media outlets. Not one man in that mob stood up for her, not one person who was there is out fighting to get her justice, not one single Capital Hill cop thinks shooting an unarmed woman was a crime and every one who knows it was wrong will NOT stand up because that man knows his life, career and family will be destroyed and no one will stand up for him.

    About 90% of black men in America are raised by women with no help or support from a black man. If you look at their behavior, they are as feminine as men can get. They worry about clothing and shoes like women. Their violent corner wars of slurs and jokes leading to gunfights is exactly what you see in most women drama, except it includes violence associated with men.

    White men are in a similar boat. Stand up to most things and someone screams, "RACIST"! and in an instant you are fired. You live trying to go along to get along in order to keep a job and not leave your family homeless. If you stand up for anything other than a leftist approved topic you get pilloried from elementary school thru adulthood. I have 30 years experience in a critical career field and we have been shorthanded for decades. We attend forced socialism training, my employer has "corporate HR" goons sitting in the back of the room taking names of anyone who questions socialist doctrine. You go on the "list" if you do not want to shit with women in your restroom.

    Pussies are a way of life. Pussies are rewarded for being pussies. Pussies will keep their jobs. Pussies in skinny jeans will get pussy from leftist women all day long. Pussies will point you out to HR every chance they get. There are more of them than there are of us and they are praised and rewarded for being pussies. Being a gutless fuck of a person is highly praised in today's America.
    Because we let women, and worse the state, raise the kids, like what the fuck did people think was going to happen.

    It’s like the dumb fucking fudds with all the American flag BS who goes and shops at Wally World.

    Dumping generations off at government centers to be raised, let’s be honest most don’t really enjoy time with their kids anyways, have the state send a buss to pick them up, have them delivered back to your door because lazy, and meh as far as what happens for the majority of the day.

    The state is more of a parent figure to most of the children in this country than the biological breeding stock is.

    It’s not the liberals, it’s not CNN, not soy milk or whatever in the tap water, it’s a ton of oops preggo kids, and can’t be bothered absent parents.

    Folks need to take some fucking ownership for what they launch out of their neither regions.
    In fairness soy will make a young man grow titties. And there is probably some components of our problems that are related to both diet and medicine.
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    I’m a millennial, my parents raised me right, I’m the last one to sit in the group and the first one to get up if someone needs something at the table. I hold doors, say please and thank you. I’m a mean mother fucker when I need to be, and extremely pleasant to be around 99.9% of time. I had friends that bought into that toxic masculinity bull shit. They said I’m a toxic male because I work a blue collar job, drive a truck, shoot guns, wear real boots and flannel shirts, I speak up when I see some shit I don’t like. I consider myself a real man, most of the Men around me are just boys.

    I have “friends” that are softer that wet one ply TP. Just absolute pussies and I can’t imagine living my life the way they do, it’s fucking pathetic.
    Isn't Sean Penn the same douche nozzle that had a gun collection, and let a woman convince him to turn it into slag???

    Edit... Why, yes, yes he is...

    Funny, and a shame..she’s a hot South African, but not too principled, she’s more concerned about flapping her mouth off about some random guys guns than the damn near genocide against white farmers in her home country.

    Hollywood is going to Hollywood
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    Rarely agree with Sean Penn's politics, but on this he is 100% on point. I've been saying the same thing for the last 25 years it seems. What the fuck has happened to men in this country? Young boys playing with dolls? Children being encouraged to identify with whatever sex they "prefer". These metro-sexual skinny jeans wearing, latte sipping, feminine men that I see everywhere nowadays. I'm not that old, in my 50's. You didn't see any of this shit when I was growing up. God help us if our woke military ever does get into a full blown war with China or Russia.
    That is rich! Sean Pean complaining about cultural shift that HE and his ilk have rammed down our throats!
    A few thoughts on this, I live in a small town in eastern Oregon, and I can tell you there are a bunch of tuff kids, the local HS announces the names of all the kids going directly into the military and there is a huge round of applause. Just yesterday my 17 year old daughter said she thinks they should say the pledge of allegiance at the HS. If you look at pictures from the 30’s it was standard to dress up in the current style and that turned out to be our “ greatest generation” , I think all this COVID scam and the Brandon taste of what socialism will look like has opened a whole bunch of peoples eyes and the Country is starting to swing back in the right direction. But then once again I live in a small town by choice, took a cut in pay, 30 years ago to not live in the shithole they call Portland and I don’t normally go places where libtards congregate.
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    Sean Penn is a pussy and his politics grow, praise and proliferate feminine men.

    I hardly see any feminine men where I live. I go to blue counties and blue urban areas in my state and I see plenty. It's cultural and liberal.
    Isn't Sean Penn the same douche nozzle that had a gun collection, and let a woman convince him to turn it into slag???

    Edit... Why, yes, yes he is...

    Definitely a Hollywood douche bag.

    But as they say, even a stopped clock is right twice a day.
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    A few thoughts on this, I live in a small town in eastern Oregon, and I can tell you there are a bunch of tuff kids, the local HS announces the names of all the kids going directly into the military and there is a huge round of applause. Just yesterday my 17 year old daughter said she thinks they should say the pledge of allegiance at the HS. If you look at pictures from the 30’s it was standard to dress up in the current style and that turned out to be our “ greatest generation” , I think all this COVID scam and the Brandon taste of what socialism will look like has opened a whole bunch of peoples eyes and the Country is starting to swing back in the right direction. But then once again I live in a small town by choice, took a cut in pay, 30 years ago to not live in the shithole they call Portland and I don’t normally go places where libtards congregate.

    How’s going on government welfare for defense stock tickers tuff?

    This ain’t tuff, honorable, or being a “man”, it’s sucking the tit of overtaxed Main Street and serving the elite who would sell your family to the glue factory if it gave them a 0.1% increase in approval ratings

    Think tuff would be starting your own biz and making honest jobs in your own community, or getting training without asking for gov handouts, becoming a volunteer fire fighter or medic, etc

    Want real tuff, go start a militia, as in what our founders did, with all the push back youd get from the state and their loyal followers
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    Those boot like wing tips, bespoke suits and top shelf martini things cost money.

    There's a good chance half of those hot chicks are banging the office janitor, their blue collar neighbor or the pool boy. Some of those guys in the suits might be cooking them breakfast in the morning.

    Strange times.... strange times....

    Shit has flip flopped.

    Girls with jobs. Boyfriend doesn't have one.

    Girls with cars. Boyfriend doesn't have one.

    Girl pumps gas while boyfriend stares at his phone from the passenger seat.

    Girl pays for her dinner. (Okay, I like that one)

    Girl looks and acts like a boy. Boy acts and looks like a girl.

    Girl fixes the toilet while boy plays video games. (Okay, I kinda like that one too😁)

    It's like some kind of cosmic reversal has taken place.
    Because we let women, and worse the state, raise the kids, like what the fuck did people think was going to happen.

    It’s like the dumb fucking fudds with all the American flag BS who goes and shops at Wally World.

    Dumping generations off at government centers to be raised, let’s be honest most don’t really enjoy time with their kids anyways, have the state send a buss to pick them up, have them delivered back to your door because lazy, and meh as far as what happens for the majority of the day.

    The state is more of a parent figure to most of the children in this country than the biological breeding stock is.

    It’s not the liberals, it’s not CNN, not soy milk or whatever in the tap water, it’s a ton of oops preggo kids, and can’t be bothered absent parents.

    Folks need to take some fucking ownership for what they launch out of their neither regions.
    That's why I waited for my son to grow into the man he is today before divorcing the ex-bitch. He in turn, as a result of being raised by me, is a terrific father to his children, raising them with values and self confidence.
    • Like
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    Shit has flip flopped.

    Girls with jobs. Boyfriend doesn't have one.

    Girls with cars. Boyfriend doesn't have one.

    Girl pumps gas while boyfriend stares at his phone from the passenger seat.

    Girl pays for her dinner. (Okay, I like that one)

    Girl looks and acts like a boy. Boy acts and looks like a girl.

    Girl fixes the toilet while boy plays video games. (Okay, I kinda like that one too😁)

    It's like some kind of cosmic reversal has taken place.
    It's wild.

    I pray my daughter never dates one of these useless d-bags.

    On a totally unrelated note, my new neighbor just picked up a pretty sweet little excavator.
    Shit has flip flopped.

    Girls with jobs. Boyfriend doesn't have one.

    Girls with cars. Boyfriend doesn't have one.

    Girl pumps gas while boyfriend stares at his phone from the passenger seat.

    Girl pays for her dinner. (Okay, I like that one)

    Girl looks and acts like a boy. Boy acts and looks like a girl.

    Girl fixes the toilet while boy plays video games. (Okay, I kinda like that one too😁)

    It's like some kind of cosmic reversal has taken place.
    Lets just hope that women's attitudes towards sex changes with their new responsibilities.
    I'm sure you've heard guys only want sex.
    On TV you will not see a white masculine male in a commercial only a geek or dipshit or some turd burglar clowning. Then you got all these gamer boys that are now 40 yrs old but they have the social skills of a ripe eggplant, over weight and totally clueless. Real women are wondering where real men are. I have 6 kids and this has been a topic of discussion at the dinner table for years. I know 6 kids that have their heads screwed on straight so I can only hope they positively impact people around them. As for the rest…. I’m sure there is a lot of guys here doing the same thing in their world and that gives me hope.
    Using Shawna Penn's and the Left's own logic- being a biological male, and being a Man, are two totally separate things. They think a biological male can be a woman. When Shawna looks in the mirror it sees a pussy.
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    On TV you will not see a white masculine male in a commercial only a geek or dipshit or some turd burglar clowning. Then you got all these gamer boys that are now 40 yrs old but they have the social skills of a ripe eggplant, over weight and totally clueless. Real women are wondering where real men are. I have 6 kids and this has been a topic of discussion at the dinner table for years. I know 6 kids that have their heads screwed on straight so I can only hope they positively impact people around them. As for the rest…. I’m sure there is a lot of guys here doing the same thing in their world and that gives me hope.
    Keep up the good work
    On TV you will not see a white masculine male in a commercial only a geek or dipshit or some turd burglar clowning. Then you got all these gamer boys that are now 40 yrs old but they have the social skills of a ripe eggplant, over weight and totally clueless. Real women are wondering where real men are. I have 6 kids and this has been a topic of discussion at the dinner table for years. I know 6 kids that have their heads screwed on straight so I can only hope they positively impact people around them. As for the rest…. I’m sure there is a lot of guys here doing the same thing in their world and that gives me hope.
    Haven't watched TV regularly in years, can't stomach the leftist propaganda. But having seen a few commercials recently you would think half the country is gay, transsexual, black, or in an interracial marriage.
    the younger generations here in the west have become so faggified and pussified that nothing can save them. It's deliberate too. the goal of this is to "teach men our place" and this explains things like the muslim conquest of Europe.

    contrast this with the attitude in Russia (another reason the NWO hates Russia, btw), they still have the old values that we once did many years ago:

    “Refugees Go Clubbing In Russia, Harass Girls, Wake Up In Hospital The Next Morning,” by Jacob Bojesson, Daily Caller, February 4, 2016:
    A group of 51 refugees were brutally assaulted outside a night club in Murmansk, Russia, after they groped and molested women at a night club Saturday.
    The refugees had previously been ordered to leave Norway for “bad behavior” and tried their luck in Russia. What they didn’t realize when they went out clubbing in Murmansk is that Russians have less tolerance when it comes to sexual assault on local women than other European countries.
    The refugees allegedly groped and harassed women in a similar manner as the assaults in Cologne on New Year’s Eve. A group of male Russian took them aside to “educate” them that “Cologne is 2,500 kilometers south of here.”
    The refugees tried to flee but were quickly captured by the Russians. They then took them out to the street and gave them a beating they will remember. Police arrived to break up the fight but locals report that they threw a few punches at the refugees before arresting 33 of them. Eighteen refugees were in such bad condition they had to be take to the hospital….
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