I removed my scope base to verify torque values on the 5 (8x32) screws. I noticed 2 silver colored small pins visible on top of the receiver in the 1200 position, close together (within 1/2”). The receiver has a recoil lug milled into it protruding up which interfaces with a slot in the scope base. It’s a nice proprietary design. Since it has this recoil lug it doesn’t used a typical “pinned” scope base. The receiver lugs are in the 300 and 900 o’clock positions in the receiver. If I’m not mistaken the bolt lugs ride in the 1200 and 600 o’clock positions until you rotate the bolt 90 degrees. Looks like the 600 o’clock bolt lug pushes the round out of the magazine. Anyway, I have no idea what these small pins do. They don’t protrude above the receiver. This is not the Element design which has a steel sleeve inside the aluminum receiver so these pins can’t be locating a sleeve. Has anyone seen these pins and if so what do they do? I thought I read or heard something related to a floating bolt head but I can’t remember where or exactly what I heard. The bolt is a tool free design to disassemble for cleaning the firing pin. I can’t imagine these pins have anything to do with that. You would never see these pins if you didn’t remove the scope base. Thanks