Ruger 10/22 takedown
Magpul takedown stock (an arca rail has been attached to the foreend)
Tandemkross bolt
VQ carbon fiber barrel
Brimstone gunsmithing trigger (extremely clean and crisp break at 1 pound 12 ounces on my scale, the single best 10/22 trigger I have ever used, and puts many centerfire triggers to shame).
Holosun 403 green
1 BX15 mag and 1 flush mag.
Awesome backpacking package, extremely fun to shoot.
880 shipped.
Magpul takedown stock (an arca rail has been attached to the foreend)
Tandemkross bolt
VQ carbon fiber barrel
Brimstone gunsmithing trigger (extremely clean and crisp break at 1 pound 12 ounces on my scale, the single best 10/22 trigger I have ever used, and puts many centerfire triggers to shame).
Holosun 403 green
1 BX15 mag and 1 flush mag.
Awesome backpacking package, extremely fun to shoot.
880 shipped.