For the left hand shooters, they aren’t blessed with all the choices us right hand shooters have. While a fully built 455 is within reach for the lefties, they cant get one in left hand. Not all want to sink the cash in building a left hand Annie but the 452 LH is a cost effective alternative. This one is being transferred into a pro varmint with adjustable comb and will be bedded, get full bolt work, a rifle basix trigger, and some barrel work. I think I’m going a wee bit overkill on the stock but I like playing with epoxy lol.
The barrel channels on these stocks are cut terrible. They never free float and the barreled actions rarely will sit dead center. Instead of me sanding it out all by hand and since I’m gonna reinforce the forend anyway, I decided to mill it out half way up to 1” and the rest of the way at .750”. What I did is mold in a new barrel channel using epoxy
. It’s free floated too the entire length. Pillars are also done so now it’s time to go to the next step and inlet the action area so I can glass bed it. The painting is only temporary as it’s used to see where I have to fill to blend it. Once complete I will spray the entire stock in tactical black. Stay tuned
The barrel channels on these stocks are cut terrible. They never free float and the barreled actions rarely will sit dead center. Instead of me sanding it out all by hand and since I’m gonna reinforce the forend anyway, I decided to mill it out half way up to 1” and the rest of the way at .750”. What I did is mold in a new barrel channel using epoxy