REV FEB 2013
SH Short Range Competitions
Below are the General guidelines to use:
Below are the General guidelines to use:
2) SIGHTS - Four (4) Sight Classes - (S) = Scope, (L/R) = Laser or Red dot, (A) =Aperture, (O) = Open Iron
3) 1 post per type of match. In other words, if you shoot the same match with the same rifle, at the same distance, in the same position, with the same caliber, with the same optic, that is a double shot match. If you shoot a particular match with a different caliber, different position, different optic, or support side, it is NOT considered a double shot match. Support Side means if you usually shoot right handed, you shoot it left handed. If you shoot left handed, you shoot it right handed. When posting a score, put SS after the match description.
5) A new thread will be posted every month, however if there is no new thread already posted for the month after the first week, someone please start a thread titled "(new month / year it is) SH Short Range Rimfire Competitions"
6) To make it easier on whomever is administrating / compiling the scores at theend of the month, please put the title of the match shot at the top of yourpost along with the caliber. If more than one match shot per shooter, please put in a space between the two matches, along with a similiar title of the different match...THIS WILL BE GREATLY APPRECIATED!
7) So that the monthly thread doesn't get too "busy", please post any comments, questions, or anything not score related in the "Learnings thread / sticky" to be found in the monthly header information. "Great shooting" or "good score" type of atta boys is fine, but a long BS session makes it harder and takes more time to sort and compile scores and shooters at the end of the month. This will also make it easier to whom ever is administrating the competitions for the month...AND WOULD BE GREATLY APPRECIATED!
8) All scores are "best edge"...even if most of your hit is in a lower scoring ring, as long as the next higher scoring ring's line is broken you get the next higher scoring ring's point value.
9) These are friendly matches ment for fun, practice, and training. There is no need for criticism, off remarks, or insults to the shooter or their equipment. Some "Stone busting" is fine, just make sure it's short, in good taste, and there is an attempt to add a
From time to time a rules change, COF or other suggestion is entertained. If viable, it will be presented to the SH forum for a poll for a determined period of time. Majority rules, if the large portion of the group likes it, the new change will be implemented. These are YOUR matches, you decide on how to shoot them.
Match specific rules:
25/50 yard 4 Position (4P) Competition
In addition to the general guidelines at the top of the page, Match Rules for both the 25 and 50 yard 4P Competitions:
1. ROUND COUNT - 25 rounds total - 5 shots on/at each Bull or position.Match specific rules:
25/50 yard 4 Position (4P) Competition
In addition to the general guidelines at the top of the page, Match Rules for both the 25 and 50 yard 4P Competitions:
2. SUPPORT / SHOOTING AIDS - A Sling may be used when shooting each Bull. Shooting gloves allowed. Bipod, Backpack, or other front support to the forestock / barrel in combination with a sling may be used ONLY when shooting the Low Right Bull - BUT no rear support.
3. You may enter One score only for each sight class if you so choose, make sure to mark it as such when posting.
4. You may enter another score with the same sight class if shooting the competition again Support Sided (SS).
5. TARGET(s) - may be obtained from: .....or your choice of supplier..... or to get a free printabletarget, go to the monthly short range competition "sticky" and click on the PRINTABLE TARGETS link. They are the same dimentions as the comercially available ones.
25 and 50 Yard - 4 Position Rimfire Match Target description:
Match - 25Y-4P (25 yards) or 50Y-4P (50 yards) Targets to be used TQ 3/5,A12, or any allowable printable target in the link.
...Top Left Bull ------ 5 Shots Offhand (OH) Sling allowed
...Top Riight Bull ---- 5 Shots Kneeling (KN) Sling allowed
...Center Bull -------- 5 Shots Sitting (SI) Sling allowed
...Lower Left Bull----- 5 Shots Prone (PR) Sling allowed
...Lower Right Bull --- 5 Shots Prone Supported (PS) May be shot using - Sling with Bipod, Backpack, or other front support to the forestock - BUT no rear support. Though there are 4 positions, this is where the 5th bull comes into play.
X bull =.5”
10 ring = 1” (.25” spacing between X inner and 10 outer ring)
.5” spacing between the rest…
9 ring = 2”
8 ring = 3”
7 ring = 4”
6 ring = 5”
5 ring = 6”
6. TIME - Limit yourself to One minute or under per 5 shot Relay per bull.
7. CALCULATING & REPORTING SCORE(S) - the number of points per position is where your shot lands in the scoring ring (a shot in the 9 ring = 9 points, etc). When complete, Add the points earned for a total score (Max. 250 points). If any hits are out of the target circles, measure every 1/2" outward, choose the correct declining point score. Report 25 or 50 yard as follows:
RIFLE: Marlin 795
AMMO: Fed 510B
OH: 34-0x
KN: 50-1x
SI: 43-0x
PR: 43-0x
PS: 49-2x
RIFLE: Savage 93
AMMO: Winchester .17 gr vmax
OH: 30-0x
KN: 35-1x
SI: 40-0x
PR: 45-1x
PS: 50-2x
When posting a Support Side shot match, add SS to match description -
Match: 25Y-4P SS
Match: 50Y-4P SS
8. TIES - X count to be used in the event of a tie. If the X count and point countis the same, the better score on the OH bull takes it. If that is a tie, share in the glory!
50 YARD TRC (Tactical Rimfire Competition)
In addition to the general guidelines at the top of the page, Match Rules for the 50 yard TRC Competitions:
1. ROUND COUNT - Maximum of 23 rounds50 YARD TRC (Tactical Rimfire Competition)
In addition to the general guidelines at the top of the page, Match Rules for the 50 yard TRC Competitions:
2. POSITIONS / SHOOTING AIDS - Can be shot off the Bench or Prone, front support Bipod, Backpack, Sandbag, etc. No lead sled or bench rest type devices allowed. Rear bag allowed.
3. STAGES & CALCULATING SCORES - There are 5 stages combining several different types of challenging targets into one. Risk / reward is prominant along with rewards for consistancy and penalties for not so good hits. Sounds easy right? It's a true talk the talk, walk the walk target!
3a. Stage 1 - COLD BORE CHALLENGE - 1 round. Challenges you and your rifle's ability to predict and produce a consistant bold bore shot. The cold bore shot should be the 1st shot of the day, or (depending on air temperature) the rifle is allowed to sit unfired for 30 to 60 minutes. Inner circle +25 points, outer circle +10 points.
3b. Stage 2 - THE GRID - 10 rounds. Designed to make the shooter "search & identify" the proper target called out and excercise a precise shot. there will be 10 random numbers drawn (1-20) each month which are the proper target to hit and are scored +5 points per hit. The numbers will be shot in sequentially in order per the monthly thread (the target is never the same way twice). The other 10 numbers are "no shoots". If a no shoot is hit, -5 point penalty. Empty spaces around the boxes score zero points (clean misses). If a picked number is accidentally hit (not the intended number at the time) please be honest and score -5 points.
3c. Stage 3 - 5 ROUND GROUP 3/4" CHALLENGE - 5 rounds. Each hit within the circle scores +10 points, each shot outside the circle -10 points.
3d. Stage 4 - KNOW YOUR LIMITS - 4 different sized circles, 1 shot each. Add point value indicated on each circle with a hit. Be careful, if you continue and there is a miss, 0 points scored for the entire stage.
3e. Stage 5 - HOSTAGE TARGETS - 3 hostage (good guy / bad guy) targets to shoot, 1 round each, shoot the darker silhouette (the bad guy). There are 2 point values on the bad guy 10 points and 20 points if hit in the box. Hit a the lighter silhouette (the good guy) score -20 points. Clean misses are 0 points.
Add (or subtract) the points earned for a total score (Max. 250 points)
Stage 1 Cold Bore = .5" dark center, .25" space either side = 1" outer circle
Stage 2 The Grid = 1" blocks, .25" spaces between
Stage 3 3/4" Challenge = self explanitory
Stage 4 Know your limits = (Left to Right) 1", .75", .5", .25"
3. REPORTING - When posting your score, show as below. Add a B for Bench or P for Prone, note your penalties, it helps with controversy.
RIFLE: Marlin 795
AMMO: Fed 510B
STAGE 1 10
STAGE 2 40
STAGE 3 30
STAGE 5 20
PENALTIES: stage 2 hit 1 no shoot, stage 3 1 hit out of circle, stage 4 missed 3rd circle, stage 5 hit last hostage.
When posting a Support Side shot match, add SS to match description -
Match: 50YTRCP SS
Match: 50YTRCB SS
4. TIES - In the event of a tie, score on Stage 5 The Hostages will determine the winner. If the that point count is the same, the more hits on know your limits will be used. If that is a tie, share in the glory!
25 & 50 YARD WBM (What Bugs Me Competition)
In addition to the general guidelines at the top of the page, Match Rules for the 25 & 50 yard WBM Competitions:
1. ROUND COUNT - Maximum of 15 shots25 & 50 YARD WBM (What Bugs Me Competition)
In addition to the general guidelines at the top of the page, Match Rules for the 25 & 50 yard WBM Competitions:
2. POSITIONS / SHOOTING AIDS - Can be shot off the Bench or Prone, front support Bipod, Backpack, Sandbag, etc. No lead sled or bench rest type devices allowed. Rear bag allowed.
3. TIME - Limit yourself to One minute or under per bug.
4. CALCULATING & REPORTING SCORE(S) - Hit a bug, earn the points...Grasshopper 5 points, Bee 10 points, Fly 15 points. A bonus point will be scored for a head shot on the grasshopper and bees. 0 points for a hit that is fully on or in a wing, Max. 250 points. All the Flies and Bees are not the same size and differ just enough to make an optical difference at either distance. Report scores as below, 25 or 50 yard, B for Bench, P for Prone:
RIFLE: Savage 93
AMMO: Winchester .17 gr vmax
BEES: 30
When posting a Support Side shot match, add SS to match description -
Match: WBM25YP SS
Match: WBM50YB SS
5. TIES - In the event of a tie, Fly hits will determine the winner. If the Fly count and point count is the same, the number of head shots on Bees decide it. If that is a tie, share in the glory!
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