SH small bore challenge- "cold bore" question


Gunny Sergeant
Full Member
Jun 18, 2010
Going shooting tomorrow, and I would like to try the SH rimfire challenge. The issue I keep having is that the rifle is a "build in progress," and inevitably I end up dissasembling between range sessions, meaning I have to zero before shooting, thus making my "cold bore" shot impossible. Last time, my barrel had just come back from getting threaded. This time, my barreled action was removed and disassembled for coating.

Here is the question- tonight it is supposed to get down to -12f. It will be around 0f when I am shooting. If I give it 5-10 minutes of no shooting after zeroing, I imagine the gun will be cold soaked WAY below the ambient temp in my safe at home. Can we all agree that at thst point I can make a legitmate run at the SH challenge, including cold bore,with no gray area?


Re: SH small bore challenge- "cold bore" question

I'm good with that.

temps today where i'm at, i think every shot is a cold bore one
Re: SH small bore challenge- "cold bore" question

No joke. I just filled my car at a gas station which is located on the highest point in my town. Wind was blowing 20 mph or so, and the temp was 0f. With the windchill, I bet it felt like -20.

Making me reconsider shooting tomorrow!
Re: SH small bore challenge- "cold bore" question

I find my "cold" bore is not consistent (as in half mil left right up or down, as well as my first round coming out of a five-shot group. Last time I was out I had 4 go in the same hole at 100, but the first one was a "flyer" and I know my follow through, trigger pull, the whole 9 yards was consistent.

Still has me scratching my head.