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Movie Theater Shogun

James Clavell was a POW held by the Japanese in Changi after being taken prisoner at 18 on Java - which probably counted as research for King Rat.

It always surprised me that he managed to write sympathetic Japanese characters in his novels after that. I lived in Singapore during the 70's, and there was no love at all for the Japanese then - 30 years later.
Saw the trailer. With anything made these days I am skeptical. Anyway, I got some Samurai swords made up a few months ago. Using real swords is a task way fucken harder than it looks. Even to draw without cutting oneself is an act of great thought! If I had to do it over I would get a dull one as a training aid until I knew what the fuck I was doing.

Looks interesting. I could tell it is going to be set in the Tokugawa period right away. They were BRUTAL to shipwrecked western sailors. I TRULY hope that at some point in the series, it will show the arrival of the "Four Black Dragons", the fleet of US battle frigates under the command of Commodore Matthew Perry who sailed into Tokyo Harbor in 1853 and demanded that the Tokugawa regime release American hostages that they were holding and open the country up to international trade. IRL, the proud emperor and samurai officials initially refused Perry's demands and in return, Perry ordered two frigates to unleash a broadside from their Parrott 24 pounder main guns. All loaded with explosive case shot with impact detonation fuses. An entire seafront manufacturing district was OBLITERATED into cinders by the salvo and the next message from the emperor was a desperate proclamation of surrender and immediate release of the several hundred American and western prisoners that they were holding under inhumane conditions aboard floating prison hulks elsewhere along the coast.

ETA: Since the show is an American production, I hope they end the story of samurai intrigue and mystery with a display of the show of modern industrial might from the United States naval forces which ultimately brought a reality check to the samurai's "hokey religions and ancient traditions"...
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James Clavell was a POW held by the Japanese in Changi after being taken prisoner at 18 on Java - which probably counted as research for King Rat.

It always surprised me that he managed to write sympathetic Japanese characters in his novels after that. I lived in Singapore during the 70's, and there was no love at all for the Japanese then - 30 years later.
They are a scary lot. Even the Chinese knows not to mess with them.
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And WTF is this bullshit? Hannibal wasn't black?!!

Heres some tardiversity for you..
Denzel Washington playing the white Carthaginian General Hannibal

Ackshually, ancient Carthage was in North Africa so if they were to just bleach Denzel to a few shades lighter, they would have cast him accurately. (But then that would be cultural appropriation so STILL TRIGGERED, 0/5.)
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Saw the trailer. With anything made these days I am skeptical. Anyway, I got some Samurai swords made up a few months ago. Using real swords is a task way fucken harder than it looks. Even to draw without cutting oneself is an act of great thought! If I had to do it over I would get a dull one as a training aid until I knew what the fuck I was doing.
Swords, no thanks. I used to mess around with nunchucks when I was a kid. After a month, had to buy practice chucks cause I was beating the fuck outta myself with the wood ones.
There was a Shogun Miniseries in the 1980's. Never made it through it, though free on YouTube.

The books by Clavell were never my thing. I think I started Shogun and (rare for me) set it aside.

This is going to be garbage. Though maybe inspires me to go back and watch Shogun while I am on a long drive or something.

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You should give the Ninja throwing star a try.
When we were kids we did all of the normal things boys do.
We had BB gun wars, apple fights ect.

One time my buddy got into his sister's record collection. We decided in our infinite wisdom to have a record fight.

We were around 14 and had pretty good throwing arms. I remember those records coming at me ,zigging and zagging, cutting through the air.

The records would hit stuff and break, but we kept on chucking them, trying hard to hit each other.

Thinking back on it now, all it would have taken was one nick to our jugulars and could have been game over, permanently. 😳 I wouldn't trade those day for anything.
Ackshually, ancient Carthage was in North Africa so if they were to just bleach Denzel to a few shades lighter, they would have cast him accurately. (But then that would be cultural appropriation so STILL TRIGGERED, 0/5.)
Interesting. Always thought Carthaginians were of Greek descent like the Ptolemy's of Egypt..

ETA- started as a Phoenician colony.. so I reckon they looked arabic/middle eastern? So still... Denzel would look quite out of place as their general..

At least to my eye, I don't see much "black" features going on here

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didn't know clavell was a pow captured in java. so was my father. ship sunk in '42 off java. he didn't hate the japanese either even after 3+ years in their prisons. the chamberlain shogun series was great. have read all clavell's books and seen everything around of kurosawa's. a lot of his story lines were ripped off here in 60s and 70s. have to figure out how to get netflix not having cable etc. japanese culture and history is fascinating but brutal. denzel is a fav,but as hannibal? WTF? what minority actress is gonna replace jodie foster?
ETA- started as a Phoenician colony.. so I reckon they looked arabic/middle eastern? So still... Denzel would look quite out of place as their general..
Phoenicians came from Lebanon more or less.

What we are talking about here are Mediterranean people, not Africans, not Arabs and not exactly white.
Wogs is a more nonscientific term.
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