Cleaning out some bags that I don’t use. All prices are shipped CONUS. The str8t laced is the only bag that’s been used, other 3 are brand new and have just been collecting dust in the gun room.
Left to right
Precision underground F1 I believe? Dimensions are 7.5” x 6” x 2”
$70 dropped to $65
Precision underground EL-RX I believe?
Dimensions are 6.5” x 5.5” x 2”
$70 dropped $65
Original Str8t laced light weight bag.
$50 dropped $45
Sold Wiebad Max fortune cookie heavy fill.
$85 dropped $75 sold
Left to right
Precision underground F1 I believe? Dimensions are 7.5” x 6” x 2”
$70 dropped to $65
Precision underground EL-RX I believe?
Dimensions are 6.5” x 5.5” x 2”
$70 dropped $65
Original Str8t laced light weight bag.
$50 dropped $45
Sold Wiebad Max fortune cookie heavy fill.
$85 dropped $75 sold
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