Have to love it. 4H developing more safe, sound and accurate members of the shooting sports. The local schools not only tolerate it, they help promote it.
Have to love it. 4H developing more safe, sound and accurate members of the shooting sports. The local schools not only tolerate it, they help promote it.
Most compete in NRA handgun silhouette, however, on this day they were working with rifles. The 4h groups go all out for competition. Last year several national awards were won by the Louisiana team including at least two from Jackson Parish. Bob D. who is the handgun coach has asked me several times to provide clinics for the youngsters. Always glad to, but these young people shoot standing and I always shot Creedmoor. Did what I could, mostly working with their trigger control. That was 95% of handgun silhouette once a good solid position was built. Got to be smooth with those triggers and I practiced at least four times a week and most practice session’s goal was getting (and keeping) the perfect trigger squeeze. Wish I could carry that over to precision rifle, but in these days, nothing is smooth or has much control.