Has anyone ever encountered shifts in accuracy utilizing a tripod? My instance is completely on me but I used a Bog Death Grip on a recent hunting trip and didn't have the outcome I wanted on a shot - i.e. missed a deer at ~225 yards. Rifle was sighted in and I am trying to isolate variables, the biggest of which was I used the tripod on the shot and haven't practiced with it given our wonderful ammo shortages. I'm trying to figure out if the grip could have possibly interfered with the action/barrel, although I tried to anchor it near the action to prevent the stock from hitting the barrel. R700 in 7mag, using the factory synthetic stock (older Remington that is probably 15 years old).
The guns shoots, but I either lost my mojo or introduced some variable that I did not account for. I know the easiest answer is to take it to the range, utilizing the tripod, but wanted to check here to see if I'm crazy first. Several lessons learned on this trip, the most importance is practice, but of all the ammo I stocked up on, hunting ammo wasn't on the list.
The guns shoots, but I either lost my mojo or introduced some variable that I did not account for. I know the easiest answer is to take it to the range, utilizing the tripod, but wanted to check here to see if I'm crazy first. Several lessons learned on this trip, the most importance is practice, but of all the ammo I stocked up on, hunting ammo wasn't on the list.