So, I was in a discussion with a dude, about using faster burn rate powders in shorty 16-18” rifles, specifically bolt guns. His stance was to move to a faster burn rate powder for a given bullet after having the barrel chopped, to get a more complete burn and regain some speed. I’ve never heard that before, but have never looked into it either. Initially I called bullshit, but knowing all the voodoo hoodoo shenanigans surrounding handloading, now I’m scratching my head thinking maybe…
My experience with shorty’s is exactly 1, and I just had it done. This rifle shoots just as well at 17” with the old load as when the barrel was at 24”, ended up losing about 23 fps per inch as expected.
What say you?

My experience with shorty’s is exactly 1, and I just had it done. This rifle shoots just as well at 17” with the old load as when the barrel was at 24”, ended up losing about 23 fps per inch as expected.
What say you?