I am loading 6.5 cm. No issue to speak of with my load but in the interest of always learning and bettering myself:
Lapua Virgin brass. I do run through a resize (hornandy die, that I'd like to replace soon) and then trim and chamfer. I then run them though a lyman m die. I find that seat feels wayyy smoother when I do so.
But I don't see alot of people doing so. So I'm wondering if I'm doing it all wrong.
I also don't apply any crimp....wondering if I should be
Lapua Virgin brass. I do run through a resize (hornandy die, that I'd like to replace soon) and then trim and chamfer. I then run them though a lyman m die. I find that seat feels wayyy smoother when I do so.
But I don't see alot of people doing so. So I'm wondering if I'm doing it all wrong.
I also don't apply any crimp....wondering if I should be