For the two day class I think they issue you one of their own in house design Thuls books.
This target page is the standard target Sig shoots for zeroing/100 yards....
Actual target here if you want to try one before class.....
Two sided target designed for the Sig Sauer Academy.
You really wont "need" either of these items, anything you could need sig will provide or can be had at their pro shop.
Bring a shooting mat, something with stake downs. It can get windy and ive seen rifles on the mat go for a magic carpet ride.
There are lunch places outside the gate, I pack my own.
Its a fun time.
Im going next Saturday for a Reach for 1000 class bringing the old school M40.
Once I get my certificate from them with a discount code Ill be signing up for a few more classes next year. Might take a pistol class in the summer. Im already signed for advanced carbine in the Fall. Maybe Ill take that spot in August if its still open.
Dont hesitate to PM/ask in this thread if you have questions and think I can help.
Hope the Covid BS ends soon........Ill be required to wear a mask while shooting next week
