Rifle Scopes Sig Tango 6 Illumination Issue


Full Member
Nov 22, 2010
Southern MD.
I purchased a Sig Tango 6 last month and as soon as I took it out of the package and turned the reticle on, I noticed that the lower left side of the reticle wasn't quite right. I took it out and sighted in the scope and yea, the illumination wasn't so illuminated on that corner. I called Sig and they gave me an RMA to send it back in. After having the scope for a week they sent it back and this was their response: "Unit was powered on and reticle inspected for illumination issues, no trouble found, sending unit back. Note: Illumination in lower left quadrant is slightly faded, this is unavoidable due to the way that the reticle is illuminated".

Sig Reticle.JPG

This is the first time I've seen anything like this. Does anyone else notice this with their sig scope or any scope for that matter? @gr8fuldoug have you seen this in any of other scopes you've sold? I checked all three of my Tango 4's and they are definitely not like the reticle shown above. This is the first scope that I've spent this kind of money on and to be honest, I'm not happy. I would consider this my first and only "higher" end scope. I'm just curious how common this is? What do you guys think?
So just an update, Doug at Camera Land has been awesome to deal with. He contacted sig and got me another RMA. He said that the scope will either be fixed or replaced. Now it’s in Sigs court, let’s see what happens on the second try. Scope was sent in today.
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My Sig scope was returned to them but for something totally different. My illumination was really good but my W turret broke off. They sent me a new one no questions asked. I even got sent a black one because I asked for it but I originally had the ugly graphite model.

Hopefully they go the extra mile and help you out like they did with me.
Does anyone here have a Sig Tango 6 with a Dev-L reticle? If so could you please do me a favor and quickly check your reticle to see if it is faded on the lower left side? I'm wondering how common this is?
I hope they get it fixed up right for you. I've been happy with my Tango6, but the higher end scope market is fierce and it doesn't take much these days for buyers to shy away from brands.
@A-Rob, does your reticle have consistent illumination?

The reason I ask is because I got a call from Sig today saying that the only thing they can do is look through a bunch of scopes and send me the one that has the "best" illumination. But they can't guarantee the illumination level across the entire reticle. He mentioned that with the 6x range of magnification, the 34 mm tube, and all the shit they pack into the reticle area of the scope, they can't get consistent illumination.
@A-Rob, does your reticle have consistent illumination?

The reason I ask is because I got a call from Sig today saying that the only thing they can do is look through a bunch of scopes and send me the one that has the "best" illumination. But they can't guarantee the illumination level across the entire reticle. He mentioned that with the 6x range of magnification, the 34 mm tube, and all the shit they pack into the reticle area of the scope, they can't get consistent illumination.

Yes, but mine isn't the Dev-L, just a regular MRAD.
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@A-Rob, does your reticle have consistent illumination?

The reason I ask is because I got a call from Sig today saying that the only thing they can do is look through a bunch of scopes and send me the one that has the "best" illumination. But they can't guarantee the illumination level across the entire reticle. He mentioned that with the 6x range of magnification, the 34 mm tube, and all the shit they pack into the reticle area of the scope, they can't get consistent illumination.

I have one and the reticle fades out a little but honestly I never even noticed until you mentioned it I can’t think of any situation for me where it would matter so it has never really crossed my mind. My guess is that most or their scopes are the same. I very very rarely ever use the illumination on my optics to start with. If I’m in a situation where I would need the lower outermost portions of the reticle chances are my illuminatin will not be on so I’m probably not the best person to poll though. Overall I have been very happy with my Tango 6 and have been thinking about buying another from Doug while they are on sale.
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I had never noticed this issue in mine, but it does appear I have a similar fade out in the lower left at lower intensity levels. It’s not as pronounced on the higher settings. Sorry for poor picture quality, that’s the best I could get with my iPad camera.43D20C93-FADA-43D4-ACA9-ACFF9B35FD82.jpeg50085432-3BAD-4118-AB16-CB602876C250.jpeg
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I had a Tango 4 3-12x42 that the illumination just quit working. Got a new scope in the mail 2-3 weeks later. Glad they are standing behind their products, but not comfortable with the number of reports I'm seeing about problems.
I had a Tango 4 3-12x42 that the illumination just quit working. Got a new scope in the mail 2-3 weeks later. Glad they are standing behind their products, but not comfortable with the number of reports I'm seeing about problems.

I have 3 tango 4's and they have held up pretty well so far. Prior to this experience I've bought ALOT of Sig products because I thought their line represented a pretty good value. I guess time will ultimately tell if it was worth it. When ever I get my Tango 6 back I really want to compare it to my 6-24x50 Tango 4. My Tango 6 is a 4-24 so it should be a pretty fair comparison in glass quality and such.
So I got a Sig Tango 6 in the mail today from sig and it definitely has more consistent illumination. They just sent me a different scope. But they did confirm that with the Tango 6, they can’t guarentee illumination on the dev-l reticles.

With that being said I couldn’t find that stated anywhere either on their website or in the user manual. For the price I paid, I honestly don’t care at this point. But if I paid the $2800 they are asking for on their website, I’d want my money back. For almost $3000 I wouldn’t settle for the design flaw that exists in the reticle. Thanks again @gr8fuldoug for your help. Attention dealers, other customers may have issue with this in the future.
I have a 4-24 with the dev-l mrad and have the same issue with the illumination. It seems to be better the warmer it is. It's not a huge issue for me since,
A. I bought it used B. I rarely use the illumination. For the money, it's a pretty nice piece of glass.
Does anyone here have a Sig Tango 6 with a Dev-L reticle? If so could you please do me a favor and quickly check your reticle to see if it is faded on the lower left side? I'm wondering how common this is?
yes. I have the exact same issue. It seems it just how the led is placed, and im guessing that the hole to allow light from the led is too long trapping the light from spreading too far. Or as bitey said, might be a temperature issue with the way its reflecting the light.
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Sig pretty much told me it was due to their design. They are cramming a lot of stuff in the scope with the level-plex and illumination and they didn't have room for 2 led's. Due to the position of the LED relative to the reticle, they get fade on that lower left side. Some are better than others, but it's unavoidable.

I havent been able to see how good the glass is at distance yet, but considering I paid the CameraLand price, I still think I got a really good value. I just wish Sig was more upfront with a scope that they sell for almost $3000.