So i was debating which two TBAC cans to get when I stumbled across this.
It appears that SilencerCo is coming out with a new modular & lighter omega that can be shortened from 7.6” down to 5.1”. Since I already have two Hybrids and a bunch of mounts this interests me as I could use it as two cans in one.
One thing I want to know is if I can buy the longer stack to add to my Hybrid or if that is serialized to the suppressor itself. If I could get the stack then I could get the Omega 36M in place of the Ultra 5 & 7, use the Hybrid with stack for the Ultra 9 then I can buy the .338 Ultra and make my decision process so much simpler.

SilencerCo's New Omega 36M – A Can That Punches Outside Its Weight Class
Back in July, SilencerCo invited some media including The Firearm Blog to check out their factory and unveil a new suppressor. We were under embargo until today. SilencerCo is coming out with a new all-in-one suppressor called the Omega 36M. It is based on their Omega rifle can but it is modular.

It appears that SilencerCo is coming out with a new modular & lighter omega that can be shortened from 7.6” down to 5.1”. Since I already have two Hybrids and a bunch of mounts this interests me as I could use it as two cans in one.
One thing I want to know is if I can buy the longer stack to add to my Hybrid or if that is serialized to the suppressor itself. If I could get the stack then I could get the Omega 36M in place of the Ultra 5 & 7, use the Hybrid with stack for the Ultra 9 then I can buy the .338 Ultra and make my decision process so much simpler.