I don't worry about them all being the same --too much other shit to worry about. Besides, hard to beat the big aluminum Forster lock rings. With a Dillon, you do have limited space up on a block and I do use their rings and keep about ten of them in a box just in case (I use a 650XL with multiple loading blocks and dedicated trim blocks plus a dedicated single die universal decapper). I have a box full of various lock rings. If you change dies, then get the Dillon rings in five packs; remember things like Dillon specific dies will come with lock rings so you won't need any for trim dies or powder checks if you use them.
Anyway, I use the rings that come with the dies, lock them down and don't change them unless I have to. If they fit. IF I had to change them often, I'd probably go with the Dillon lock rings. They aren't the best (no set screw) but they fit and the wrench they sell works nice and fits in tight spots.
With the .50 press, you HAVE to use their rings --nothing else work.
Threadcutter, you don't have to remove the shellplate to work on the dies, but you may have to remove the toolhead, did you mean that? Or are you using lock rings on the bottom of the toolhead? Never seen that before, just asking.
, I'm really wishing I had that now that I'm working around 12,000 pieces of 5.56 --and that's just the start. Superswage is nice, but 1050 is nicer