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Single stage vs. Two stage


Feb 15, 2024
South Carolina
Looking at replacing the trigger in my long range hunting rifle. Wanting to go with the Trigger Tech Diamond. Cannot decide between the single or two stage. Any advice is appreciated.
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In my opinion the diamond is light for hunting. But just my personal opinion. I run a couple two stage special triggers

I’ve had a plethora of triggers over the years. From single stage jewels and tikkas to 2 stage Geissele, AI and trigger techs

Hands down my preference is two stage

It’s all a preference thing though
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Wanting to go with the Trigger Tech Diamond.

Why? You going down to 8 ounces? If not then you can save money and use a Special that goes to 1 pound or a Primary that goes down to 1.5 pounds.

As for stage, personal preference. I like single stage on my precision rifles. I don't want take up. I want to know it will fire when I press the trigger.
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Why? You going down to 8 ounces? If not then you can save money and use a Special that goes to 1 pound or a Primary that goes down to 1.5 pounds.

As for stage, personal preference. I like single stage on my precision rifles. I don't want take up. I want to know it will fire when I press the trigger.
I found the 1lb setting on the diamond to be more better than the specials...
I didn't but also depends if he is even going that low on a hunting trigger,
Or that low for anything. The specials were fine at 1.5lbs and more. Though, I read, "Long Range Hunting" and know that style to basically be shooting at animals at a great distance and the lighter match style triggers are popular.
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I prefer 2 stage for rifles that will mostly be shot prone. I prefer single stage for non prone and would lean towards single stage for a do everything rifle.
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