By the way, I had mentioned to you that I was going to a private range last week to run another test of lubed necks vs. not. Unfortunately, I got only half the data I was looking for (SD impact of lube vs not) because the bench I was shooting off of was wobbly and my groups were all over the place. Before you ask, I really didn't want to shoot prone because it was in the 90s and there was nowhere to shoot prone in the shade. I'm going out again next week to try again... with a sun shade this time.
On the SD side, I had the most pronounced difference between lubed-neck SDs and non-lubed-neck SDs:
View attachment 8419622
View attachment 8419623
Here are the AMP Press plots for these (blue=lubed, green=non)
View attachment 8419643
On the previous two trips I had the following data:
Trip 1:
15 shots, SD 8.4
15 shots, SD 6.6
Trip 2:
14 shots, SD 7.7
15 shots, SD 6.4
I wasn't ready to say that lubing necks has an impact on SD, but after 50+ shots of each lubed and non-lubed, I'm comfortable in saying that lube does have an impact on SDs.
Still need to play more on group size.