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Sk rifle match vs long range vs hv


Sergeant of the Hide
Full Member
Dec 21, 2018
Performed doppler radar ballistic summary out of Vudoo gen 1 18 inch barrel
SK rifle match and long range summary was performed at 68 F
SK HV at 60 F


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So based on your numbers and my 612 yard targets your ES would produce a 17.5" vertical spread at this range 612 yards my low to high shots measured just over 25" with 7 landing in a 9x9" square that adds up possibly the best it can do LONG RANGE is green marks.
Have been curious about the new HV ammo; the rather large ES/SD numbers you got out of that particular lot would make me shy away from it if that's typical for this grade of ammo. However, it's just one lot that you tested, so unless/until the ammo shortage comes to an end, and we're again able to order in lot samples, I'll leave this HV stuff on the shelf...if I ever see any of it available.
I can say 100% rifle match and long range have been very very good lot to lot for me.
I’ve ran 10 - 12 different lots of sk red and long range.
Never had sd’s like the HV yes it’s one lot( if I had more would do a better study)
Feel free to send me SK HV,long rang and red for further study. ( 10 lots each)
All the different lots of Sk red and long range I’ve shot out of my Vudoo have been very very good.
The charts/Summary are a base line to start out with or to compare what data someone else has recorded to determine a trend in quality.
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It's too bad someone hasn't sent 50 or 100 shots at a single aimpoint
at say 100 or 200 yards and measured the vertical spread and muzzle velocities.
It sounds like it would provide a useful way to compare cartridge quality.

If only....
If my LGS gets the sk shipment they've been waiting on since last spring, I'll do that with center-x, sk long range, and pistol match special. As it sits I'm down to my last few bricks of everything, and I'm only shooting matches.
It's too bad someone hasn't sent 50 or 100 shots at a single aimpoint
at say 100 or 200 yards and measured the vertical spread and muzzle velocities.
It sounds like it would provide a useful way to compare cartridge quality.

If only....
I'll try to do 50 or 100 at 200 yds.
The one main thing people over look in these self test , is how the manufacture derives their data. SK used a 26 " barrel to test the ammo shown in this thread not a 18". Loads by them or anyone else are derived by burning a powder that is continuous and not erratic. So that 99.5% of total gas expansion is achieved without spikes during the expansion right at muzzle exit. The ES AVG. For SKHV is 31 fps in my 25" barrel your dumping some powder that is in the burning process ,but not completed in a 18" barrel. Other words a good load doesn't work in all barrel. If it groups good this week in my extended testing it would be a plus, why ? It's velocity alone picks up 2.8 " of group size at 600 yes over any ammo running 1090 fps down 😉
Great info thanks! What equipment did you use to measure FPS and BC out to 350 yrd?
Any suggestions on how this could be entered into a Kestrel or extrapolate to Frank and Mark's Try-DOPE calculation sheets?
What conclusions can be drawn about these three varieties of ammo based on the ES and SD of a small sample size of a ten-shot string for each?
I'd call info gathered from a single 10-shot string an indication, not enough to draw a conclusion from. But when I received two boxes of each of five lots of the first shipment of SK LR Match a couple of years ago, with limited time before lunch one day, I put 10rds of each lot on paper from 100yds. There was so much difference between the best lot and the other four that I drove straight to the house and put in an order for a case of the best lot. After lunch, some doubt had cropped up in my mind over the wisdom of buying 5k rds based on one very short range session, so I took two rifles, all five lots, and a chronograph out and did quite a bit more shooting at 200yds, down a concrete alley with concrete feed bunks on both sides. The audible feedback I got from muzzle report bouncing back off those bunks agreed 100% with what I was seeing on the chrono and on target, and confirmed that the lot I'd ordered was indeed the best of the five.

Compare the ease of coming up with both the lot samples & a case of what shot the best - just two years ago - with our situation today, where shooters are being told they can't even send a barreled action to Lapua to be tested because they don't have enough ammo to test & sell after testing... If ever there was a situation that threatens to stifle the increased interest in 22RF shooting, this is it. And yet, on this site alone, we're seeing post after post after post where another Hide member has just placed an order for another V-22, or is still looking for a Tikka T1x, or a CZ457 MTR, or whatever rifle trips his or her trigger and fits their budget.... Even if political BS isn't playing a role in the ammo shortage, the lack of true match quality, American-made 22RF ammo sure isn't doing us any favors either. I'd sure like to see a company with great management & a skilled workforce build a plant where ammo as good as SK/Lapua could be made in enough quantity to make us a lot less dependent on European made ammo... Sorry for the soapbox rant, but I just hate to see a wonderful resurgence in interest in smallbore shooting stunted by lack of ammo or any other contrived shortages.
Here we go I dont think I've shot 50 rounds that fast in 40 years I dialed back from my 612 yd session and cutim loose o I did set the chrono 25 feet out front that way it was clean air Long range was 1st up 50 shots total now I had 3 wind shifts that affected impacts wind started at 5 back rt shoulder 1st shift from 9 oclk. Blew 2 rt at 3 second shift from 3 ok last shift in my face from 11 pushed 3 low and rt. All n all 42 rounds in a 2.505 x 2.708 group everything in less then 3"

High 1101
Low 1079
Avg 1091
Es 22
Sd 4
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SKHV wind settled some 39 out of 50 in a almost same size group that was a little bigger . The rounds walk left due to to veloicty increase and up alittle I did drop to my dope for these did not touch windage. Those with a line towards bottom were lower veloicty rounds they drop and come back right, had 1 flyer low Lt cant call it neither of these groups had wind corrects they were shot for center

High 1239
Avg 1210
Es 37
Sd 15


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It ain't easy keeping 22lr in a tight cluster at 200 yards.
Any small defect that affects the trajectory is amplified by time of flight.
Toss in mv caused vertical spread and results can end up all across the backer.
My best results came from a box of SK Biathlon.
4 inch total spread at 200 yards.
The best I've seen for 50 shots was 3 inches at 200 yards. Eley Match.

All 50 on a single target eliminates cherry picking.
Very effective method for comparing ammo quality.
Especially when conditions and setup are included.

Thanks for the pics RD.
It ain't easy keeping 22lr in a tight cluster at 200 yards.
Any small defect that affects the trajectory is amplified by time of flight.
Toss in mv caused vertical spread and results can end up all across the backer.
My best results came from a box of SK Biathlon.
4 inch total spread at 200 yards.
The best I've seen for 50 shots was 3 inches at 200 yards. Eley Match.

All 50 on a single target eliminates cherry picking.
Very effective method for comparing ammo quality.
Especially when conditions and setup are included.

Thanks for the pics RD.
None of this was sorted I do a visual , weight , run out sorting for everything past 200 yds I cull about 45% their used 200 yds and in.
I'd call info gathered from a single 10-shot string an indication, not enough to draw a conclusion from.
I wonder how much results would vary if five ten-shot strings (one box) of the same lot of ammo was chronographed. Would there be a significant enough of a difference in ES and SD between five sets of ten-shot strings to make it seem like the ammo wasn't similar at all?
Wait just a minute there G!

Chronograph the results from the entire box?
Blasphemy! Do you realize if'n we start requiring the results from the entire box
no one is ever going to be allowed to use the phrase "all day long" ever again?

You ought to see how many folks I've pissed off asking for just that. :D

Just watched video of Ultimate Reloader, He shot SK HV at 50 and 100 yards with crono I did notice ES was high.
Wish he shot at 200.
Heres 2 back to back groups I shot at 200 yds today I was 2.3 moa left and up 1.1 moa into a steady 10 oclock wind 6.2 mph SKLR. I stopped after the 5th shot on #2 diamond wanted to end the day happy.


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