500 yd small caliber match ?
I'm interested in holding a small caliber match which would be 223 222. or 222 mag. We will be shooting at steel plates.
Would anybody be interested in shooting in this type of match? I would like to hold one of these every month or at least every other month.
Each shooter will get to shoot two separate 10-shot relays for points. The top eight shooters will then be in a eight-man single elimination bracket to determine the winner. Cash payout to the top shooter if we have enough entries. Each relay you will have 4 minutes to finish 10 shots. The bracket will be shot the same as last time. Scoring , 8 inch Target one point, 5 inch Target two points, 3-in Target three points. Match fee $40 . Do not be late . We will still be shooting Cold bore first thing in the morning as a $10 side pot. Front bipod and rear sandbags used for Shooting . Shooter May shoot from the bench or prone their choice . Acceptable calibers will be 223 . 222. 222 mag. You are allowed your own personal spotter to help you call hits and misses and shot placement. If you do not have one, the official spotter will help you the best they can. ARs are allowed to participate in these matches . Please let me know if you are wanting to participate.
Come prepared to shoot 500 yards. If you send a round down range and do not at least hit the berm which is 6 ft tall and 30 yards wide you will be disqualified from the match. Also the bolt to your rifle must be removed from it at all times except when you are ready to shoot your relay.
These matches will be located in valley view, Texas 76272