So looking back at magnifiers for red dots


Full Member
Aug 13, 2011
Girls eyes can't use anything but a red dot so I'm considering running one (still have a t1 2 moa) for the home defense AR and buying another for the 1301. But thinking if I do that I might want to have the magnifier option in the go bag. However due to my preferences I run it at 1.93. and I"d prefer entirely removeable.

So aside from mark the diopter adjustment points on a 1-6 whats trending with magnifiers right now? Many are liking the weight and size of the vortex but I"m unaware of how to get them up to 1.93. Don't need diopter adjustment on a magnifier girl wouldn't use it anyways.
I went with Unity's setup on a work rifle. I put an Eotech 5x behind an Aimpoint T2. Works well and the combined weight was less than the LPVO I had on there previously.