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So you’re saying Trump has a chance?


Gunny Sergeant
Full Member
Oct 13, 2007
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It's what the people want apparently.

They should get what they want good and hard. Unfortunately we are along for the ride as well.

I don't think he has as good of a chance to win the election as DeSantis does if each were the nominee, but I may be wrong.

He also pushed the shot that got me fired and is pushing abortion.

Well, it seem the American people have chosen. Let's see what they have chosen turns out to be.
I'm a bit undecided ont the Donald.

-I'd certainly vote for him over anything the Demy's field but I'n not sure he would be good for our Republic. He's an angry, vengeful, man and thas not what ewe need now. We need a man like George Washington that everybody respects and can bring us together as Americans.

Sadly I dont see anyone near his caliber around.
I'm a bit undecided ont the Donald.

-I'd certainly vote for him over anything the Demy's field but I'n not sure he would be good for our Republic. He's an angry, vengeful, man and thas not what ewe need now. We need a man like George Washington that everybody respects and can bring us together as Americans.

Sadly I dont see anyone near his caliber around.
Dude, he's angry and vengeful because the mother fucking democrats have fucked with him so bad, he is on the legal chopping block that Hitlary should have been on. Wake the fuck up man!
It's what the people want apparently.

They should get what they want good and hard. Unfortunately we are along for the ride as well.

I don't think he has as good of a chance to win the election as DeSantis does if each were the nominee, but I may be wrong.

He also pushed the shot that got me fired and is pushing abortion.

Well, it seem the American people have chosen. Let's see what they have chosen turns out to be.

Unfortunately I don’t think what we want means diddly squat and hasn’t for a very long time. 2020 was just the most blatant showing of that fact to date
I'm a bit undecided ont the Donald.

-I'd certainly vote for him over anything the Demy's field but I'n not sure he would be good for our Republic. He's an angry, vengeful, man and thas not what ewe need now. We need a man like George Washington that everybody respects and can bring us together as Americans.

Sadly I dont see anyone near his caliber around.

The powers that be won’t let that happen. They want us divided in every aspect in life. From race, religion, income, man vs woman, etc et. They keep their jobs by keeping us divided and mad at each other. Which is why everything they do is centered around creating turmoil amongst the populace. The worst thing for a politician is a united America. They’d be fk’d in a big way…
I'm a bit undecided ont the Donald.

-I'd certainly vote for him over anything the Demy's field but I'n not sure he would be good for our Republic. He's an angry, vengeful, man and thas not what ewe need now. We need a man like George Washington that everybody respects and can bring us together as Americans.

Sadly I dont see anyone near his caliber around.
I feel bringing “Americans together” may be a fart in the wind now. Obumers 8 years and the media have divided the country for good. Not saying it can’t be fixed but it’s a limb hanging on by a thread.
Have we done anything solid to ensure the steal does not happen again?

Not a rhetorical question.
Nothing. They fucked up their plans when Hillary lost. They learned from that mistake and hit with big tech, media, corrupted the courts. It's of no surprise to me the election fraud and COVID fraud all went down the same time. If the dems figured it out once, they will keep doing it and we will never see a Republican president again.
Dude, he's angry and vengeful because the mother fucking democrats have fucked with him so bad, he is on the legal chopping block that Hitlary should have been on. Wake the fuck up man!
You wake the fuck up. Quit worshiping him. He was aegotistical loud mouth that seemed to enjoy irritating people rather than at least trying to work together. Thats why they were so relentless in their attacks. Thats not statesman ship. And hes no Washington, not 10% of Washington.
The powers that be won’t let that happen. They want us divided in every aspect in life. From race, religion, income, man vs woman, etc et. They keep their jobs by keeping us divided and mad at each other. Which is why everything they do is centered around creating turmoil amongst the populace. The worst thing for a politician is a united America. They’d be fk’d in a big way…

Agreed, but in a different way the right did the same think, perhaps not in our country but they did it. Arming boths sides of a conflict them putting a match to it. For God and profit.
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You wake the fuck up. Quit worshiping him. He was aegotistical loud mouth that seemed to enjoy irritating people rather than at least trying to work together. Thats why they were so relentless in their attacks. Thats not statesman ship. And hes no Washington, not 10% of Washington.
Nah bro, they pillaged him from the minute he ran against Hilary, and they’re still doing it. They just blamed him for everything they were doing. Even folks that were his long time supporters turned their backs on him the minute he ran as a republican / against Killary..

I mean, he’s no doubt a narcissist and couldn’t handled the press better by negating some of his childish remarks, but you think Hilalry or the rest of them aren’t narcissists? They all are. Power hungry snakes every one and he wasn’t part of their click and they couldnt control him.
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You wake the fuck up. Quit worshiping him. He was aegotistical loud mouth that seemed to enjoy irritating people rather than at least trying to work together. Thats why they were so relentless in their attacks. Thats not statesman ship. And hes no Washington, not 10% of Washington.
Respectfully, you're an idiot, I bet you still think the Republicrats will save you.
I feel bringing “Americans together” may be a fart in the wind now. Obumers 8 years and the media have divided the country for good. Not saying it can’t be fixed but it’s a limb hanging on by a thread.
You'll get no argument there, and a very thin thread. Thas why we need an exceptional man and I just dont see him in the mix.
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Nah bro, they pillaged him from the minute he ran against Hilary, and they’re still doing it. They just blamed him for everything they were doing. Even folks that were his long time supporters turned their backs on him the minute he ran as a republican / against Killary..

I mean, he’s no doubt a narcissist and couldn’t handled the press better by negating some of his childish remarks, but you think Hilalry or the rest of them aren’t narcissists? They all are. Power hungry snakes every one and he wasn’t part of their click and they could control him.
“Pilloried” not pillaged… but I guess that works too.
Where did I say that...IDIOT?

All I said, or implied, was that we need an exceptional man, and Donnie isnt him.


Newsflash: Exceptional men no longer run for office and haven't for a very long time, if ever.

Trump is about as exceptional as you'll get. Your spineless attitude is exactly why they pull the crap they pull on us constantly.

We need to be willing to fight dirtier than they are or we're all screwed. Trump is a pussycat compared to what I'd do in office.

But you know what? I'm exceptional and I won't run for congress. I don't need the shitty salary, nor do I feel like dealing with an organization full of pandering pussies ever again.
Newsflash: Exceptional men no longer run for office and haven't for a very long time, if ever.

Trump is about as exceptional as you'll get. Your spineless attitude is exactly why they pull the crap they pull on us constantly.

We need to be willing to fight dirtier than they are or we're all screwed. Trump is a pussycat compared to what I'd do in office.

But you know what? I'm exceptional and I won't run for congress. I don't need the shitty salary, nor do I feel like dealing with an organization full of pandering pussies ever again.
Youre first line says it all. the rest is just tripe, and rancid tripe at that.
He also pushed the shot that got me fired and is pushing abortion.

He has come out and said "with the information at the time, I supported it and I still do, however I always said it should be optional"... it didnt become "mandatory" until he was out. I think he also knows "with the data we have now" he probably wouldnt be pushing it or even allowed it out there.

As far as abortion, he has a stance on a few things that he is personally apposed to, but says "if thats what the majority of the people want and they send me a bill, ill sign it"... Marijuana being a big one that he is opposed to but said of congress and the senate send it to him he would sign it. I cant fault him for that. I believe he is opposed to abortion, but he also knows he is only one man and one opinion of 300 million... although he doesnt act like that all that often.
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The sad part is, out of all the people in the United States, we can’t come up with anything better than Trump?
Like Mittens? The "R" parties last pick? Or perhaps you mean Nikki "I'm disqualified by birth and am really a Democrat" Haley? Too bad nobody trusts Vivek, I'd have liked to have seen him at least beat the Democrat in the lineup.
I'm a bit undecided ont the Donald.

-I'd certainly vote for him over anything the Demy's field but I'n not sure he would be good for our Republic. He's an angry, vengeful, man and thas not what ewe need now. We need a man like George Washington that everybody respects and can bring us together as Americans.

Sadly I dont see anyone near his caliber around.
I mean, I honestly don't know ANYONE ELSE including my pastor who could take what he did and what is and was done to his family and be as good and cool about it as he is. Let's get real here. Imagine the entire world and the fl American govt and agencies all coming after you because you couldn't be bought off or because you actually wanted to help the American people. Seriously, the man has his faults but with what was done to him, Jobe couldn't be as cool about that as the Don has been.
The sad part is, out of all the people in the United States, we can’t come up with anything better than Trump?
You’re not wrong.

No one with any real character or a soul wants any part of it…. At least Trump has the right targets in his sights.

Desantis would probably be a good Chief Executive too, but he jumped too soon. Trump’s ego can’t handle anyone competing with him, so in his mind, he must destroy Desantis. Politics. It is what it is…

I’m for Trump simply because he’s a pain in the ass to the swamp creatures, and I believe Trump‘s the only one of the goofballs running who will actually be able to lead us out of the abyss when the dollar truly implodes…maybe sooner than we think.
What makes trump so appealing imo is the fact that he’s not from their click. Nobody’s pulling his strings accept the people that voted for him. Politicians right or left are just 2 heads of the same snake. They’re all buddies and 95% of the bickering they do is for show to make their bases feel like they’re getting their moneys worth. It’s all bull shit. Apart from that they’re all shaking hands, rubbing, elbow and screwing American people together so they can stay in office, keep their power and keep all that big money flowing.

The fact that the right and left don’t like him, makes me happy and assures me that he’s doing something right because it’s those same old career politicians that have gotten us in the place we’re at right now. He’s obviously paying for that now..

Last thing we need is another politician…. They’re all the same in my book. Snakes
MSM / SM is all corrupt and bought and paid for. The fact he calls them out on it and tells them to get FK’d is fine by me.. Someone needs to say it

This whole “he needs have the experience of being a career politician to be President” is garbage. It means “we need to be able to control him”. I see that 100% as a negative. The less ties he has to those people, the better.. Trump don’t need their money. He’s He’s got his own money that he made in the private sector. Not taking handouts to compromise himself or his voters to line his pockets off the backs of the people he’s supposed to be serving while in office like your typical left or right politician.
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I had the news mix channel on a little while ago. They said Nikki Haley is a brown girl so she can't win. Ron Desantis is only running because he's the other white guy. Only non college educated people vote for Trump. The black lady on CNN was spouting some racist trash....

I voted for Ted Cruz in the first primary. I honestly thought Trump was not serious and just in it to make his brand bigger. He won me over. He actually did what he said he was going to do. He's the only Republican that is not a RINO...
I hope he wins so big that no amount of voter fraud can touch him. Then he needs to actually put criminals on trial and in jail. Do everything in the open and by the book. All you commies like to touch kids on an island? Make thier names and addresses public.
You’re not wrong.

No one with any real character or a soul wants any part of it…. At least Trump has the right targets in his sights.

Desantis would probably be a good Chief Executive too, but he jumped too soon. Trump’s ego can’t handle anyone competing with him, so in his mind, he must destroy Desantis. Politics. It is what it is…

I’m for Trump simply because he’s a pain in the ass to the swamp creatures, and I believe Trump‘s the only one of the goofballs running who will actually be able to lead us out of the abyss when the dollar truly implodes…maybe sooner than we think.
Trump, nor anyone on earth (unless Jesus hads returned and is just 'Biden' his time) is gooing t lead us out of whats coming. That has been working out for millennia. The funny part, the ones who think they're leading, have no idea what their unleashing.
For all his faults, Trump is the only chance of cleaning up some of this mess, because all the rest are on the same side, and that side isn't ours.
For all his faults, Trump is the only chance of cleaning up some of this mess, because all the rest are on the same side, and that side isn't ours.
See post #43.
If he wasn't a threat, they wouldn't be fucking with him constantly.
No disagreement, but he brings a lot of it on himself. True wisdom outwits rather than out battles. He'd get a lot more done if he just shut mouf. and stuck to business.
If he wasn't a threat, they wouldn't be fucking with him constantly.
I agree with that, but, in the grand scheme of things, he doesn’t matter. 4 years is a drop in the bucket. Nothing but a footnote in a small part of history. The end result will be the same… we’ve already had him as POTUS once and look at where we’re at now. I’ll do my part and vote but I refuse to let the bs consume me. I know how it all ends. Like @Maggot said, where we’re heading, nobody can stop.
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