Photos SOG Early

Re: SOG Early

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: beck.jamie</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: camocorvette</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Get your hand out your pocket!! </div></div>

Also, put your cover on!


He's too cool for that.
Re: SOG Early

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: richieraby</div><div class="ubbcode-body">he looks like a bad ass. </div></div>

He is. I work with him every week.

Re: SOG Early


When you all earn 1 Sliver Stars for valor, 2 Purple Hearts and one of the highest kill counts in the 25th INF Div. You can talk shit about his sun shades and all that.

Re: SOG Early

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: two man attack</div><div class="ubbcode-body">id like to see a then and now picture. </div></div>

Its funny, his hair is the same, but white, same body size, + 5lbs and now wears glasses.

I will ask him on Sunday and see what I can do.

Re: SOG Early

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: J.Boyette</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Oh,

When you all earn 1 Sliver Stars for valor, 2 Purple Hearts and one of the highest kill counts in the 25th div. you can talk shit about his sun shades and all that.

Other then that show some respect and shut the fuck up!!!


relax John, I dont think anyone was questioning the guys awsomeness, was friendly mocking of current military bs heard every day
Re: SOG Early

I am not sorry for my response, I take it strongly the defense of friends and he is one of mine.

Very cool dude, and works hard at what we do. To have internet funny guys make fun of his picture and knowing he comes on the hide from time to time is not cool in my book.

Re: SOG Early

Im sure he was and still is a stud, he's from a generation or two before my time but I personnaly think the Vietnam guys were about the last of the days of men being men and tough as nails. The army just hasnt been the same since the pussification of the 80's and 90's. Give him my respect for his service in Nam
Re: SOG Early

Would be fun to shoot that rig today just for comparison of what we have vs what they used! They did a lot with a lot less than what we play with today!!!
Re: SOG Early

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: J.Boyette</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I am not sorry for my response, I take it strongly the defense of friends and he is one of mine.

Very cool dude, and works hard at what we do. To have internet funny guys make fun of his picture and knowing he comes on the hide from time to time is not cool in my book.



Pretty cool pic of "state of the art" technology back then. I believe we had progressed to an AN/PVS2 <span style="color: #3366FF">{edit: by 1981}</span> night scope (although not often it 'wasn't needed') and <span style="font-style: italic">digressed</span>,IMO*, to an M21 that it could be mounted on.

* The U.S. Army was always hard pressed to get two authorities to ever agree that in order to get long range accuracy, a bolt gun was needed. Volume of fire always had to be/accompany a choice for a sniper rifle in the U.S. Army. The M21 fit that mold.

Is that an M14 or M21?

Also, FWIW, we transititon 6 mo's after I got to the 1st Rgr Bn., from camo'd jungle fatigues (std Marine issue) to standard Viet Nam era OD jungle fatigues. Exactly what your friend is wearing.

On a long shot, you might ask him if he knew John Weir. Wounded about 15 days before PCS back to the states in '68. After TET.
Re: SOG Early

I meant no disrespect to your friend. I'm just another joe, it's something I hear everyday. I just thought it sounded like something you would hear now-a-days, even if your over sea's.
No doubt your friend was and is a Badass
Re: SOG Early

Neat photo. I really envy the military rulings of prior days, before priorities got misplaced. Simple things that shouldnt matter at all, began to take precedence over important things (ie, uniform wear, hair, what you do with your hands, ect)