Looking to sell all my brass and dasher hydraulic form die. All brass from the same lot. All separated out but a “mix bag” consisting of virgin br, hydroformed, 1x shot, and a few pieces 2x shot. Shot a match with hydroformed brass and it did extremely well. 7 different loads tried out in the hydroformed brass and all had single digit sd’s(3.2-8.0)
Virgin Lapua 6br Norma -145 pieces
1x fired dasher - 136
2x fired dasher - 18
Hydroformed - 161
Whidden gunworks 6mm dasher hydraulic form die- works perfect, comes with dielectric grease recommended by whidden and a ton of replacement o-rings. I’ll even throw in a brand new dead blow hammer that’s now recommended by whidden.
$450 for everything or$390 for the brass $60 for the die.
Virgin Lapua 6br Norma -145 pieces
1x fired dasher - 136
2x fired dasher - 18
Hydroformed - 161
Whidden gunworks 6mm dasher hydraulic form die- works perfect, comes with dielectric grease recommended by whidden and a ton of replacement o-rings. I’ll even throw in a brand new dead blow hammer that’s now recommended by whidden.
$450 for everything or$390 for the brass $60 for the die.