Athlon Midas Tac 6-24×50 APRS3 Mil (tree reticle) for sale in box with all accessories, in near perfect condition. I only see one small mark that doesn’t break the color. These are amazing scopes and I think one of the best you can buy for the money. If you have a 22lr or especially an Airgun, they are even better as they focus down to 10 yards.
Asking $490 shipped. PayPal (FF or you cover fee) or USPS or Walmart MO are ok too.
I Purchased this for an extra build that I have decided not to go with. Instead I have purchased a new Chrono and Camera, and need to recoup some money.
Athlon Midas Tac 6-24×50 APRS3 Mil (tree reticle) for sale in box with all accessories, in near perfect condition. I only see one small mark that doesn’t break the color. These are amazing scopes and I think one of the best you can buy for the money. If you have a 22lr or especially an Airgun, they are even better as they focus down to 10 yards.
Asking $490 shipped. PayPal (FF or you cover fee) or USPS or Walmart MO are ok too.
I Purchased this for an extra build that I have decided not to go with. Instead I have purchased a new Chrono and Camera, and need to recoup some money.
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