SOLD SOLD: Dillon Case Feeder


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  • Mar 13, 2013
    Southeastern, Pennsylvania
    Used but perfectly working Dillon case feeder. Its an older single speed case feeder not the new variable speed. Works great, I just used it to load 10,000rd of 5.56, its just not the newer variable speed and it shows use. Replaced it with a new variable speed to tune speed to my automated 1050 ammobot speed.

    UPDATE: I pulled my second Gen1 Dillon Case feeder on my second 1050 and upgraded to a new variable.

    This second one is exactly like the 1st one mentioned above. Fully working, used but not abused Gen1. Can send you a video of it working if you would like just like I did for the buyer of the 1st one.

    $175 + Shipping

    (I have a commercial shipping acct. Regular UPS ground cost just under $12 to ship the 1st one to the member in TN)
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