I’m heading to work but have access to my phone. If you need more measurements I’d be happy to get them to you in the morning when I get home.
Only reason I’m selling is because the LOP is 13.5”. Mine is 15.5” (built like an orangutan) and I just cant get comfortable behind the rifle like I can with my MDT ESS etc set to the correct Length.
OP, GLWS Brother. Brutal set up !! I apologize for the Jack Wits that have apparently inadvertently bumped thee EVER LOVING HELL OUTTA YOUR SALE. You're Welcome, and yes, I'm still in more my obligatory 33 1/3 percent. You have my PayPal.
Guy's, I'm going with a Hogue, again. THEN IT'S HOOKER'S n BLOW BABY !!!!!!!!