WTS: Half Face Blades, Chef Knife
- 8” Blade
- Trigger Finger groove/rock work on top
- Tungsten Cerekoted
- The handle is custom: has a slightly longer than normal handle with a diagonal cut, materials sent in from Alaska -100% Alaskan Ivory, and the are given a slight diagonal wave for grip.
- Black G10 as the first layer
- Cerekoted Black screws
$800 TYD. (Send me reasonable offers) - need to raise money for new optics!
No trades please.
- 8” Blade
- Trigger Finger groove/rock work on top
- Tungsten Cerekoted
- The handle is custom: has a slightly longer than normal handle with a diagonal cut, materials sent in from Alaska -100% Alaskan Ivory, and the are given a slight diagonal wave for grip.
- Black G10 as the first layer
- Cerekoted Black screws
$800 TYD. (Send me reasonable offers) - need to raise money for new optics!
No trades please.
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