Hunting & Fishing Some Georgia Color


Full Member
Nov 25, 2012
Coastal Plain of Georgia
Last weekend I scouted an Ogeechee river bottom tract I haven't hunted in ten years. Sure enough there was some sign in there so I put up a feeder and a camera. I got pics of three different hogs over the past week. These two and a large white boar the size of the black and white job in the pic. These two had been coming after dark until a day or so ago they showed up fifteen minutes before dark. The big white guy showed up after daybreak on Thursday while I was at work. I figured these two would be harder to kill as they were primarily nocturnal. I figured I'd see the white if I saw any during the morning.
I didn't see jack yesterday and almost didn't go this morning. I woke up a little before daylight and got to the feeder at 6:10. They must have thought I was going to early church, WRONG! The feeders out about 240 and the black and white fell right under it with a 125 Sierra Prohunter (308) and a shoulder shot. The little sow ran off and came back. She wouldn't ever come from behind the expired boar so I had to slip one over the top of him and hit her high shoulder too.


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