When the American Colonists chose to revolt against the world's most powerful nation, they were already an outnumbered, occupied country. There was no way a head to head conflict could last for more than the time it took to explain it. The entire campaign hinged on subtlety, patience, deception, and prudence. Fight the enemy where he is weak, entice him to fight where you are not even present. Run him around and exhaust both him and his resources. Destroy his morale. Make him an intolerable annoyance to the uncommitted. Make him defeatable, but that defeat must come from outside, from an alliance whose magnitude is up to the task. That is not the job of the resistance. The job of the resistance of to make that defeat more possible.
What alliance? Well you may not think much about France, but our Nation has never had a better ally. Our Nation would not be a Nation without their strong national commitment. And France would not be a nation without our own strong national commitment to them. It may well be their turn again, someday soon.
The resistance does not exist to
win anything. It's purpose is to help the enemy lose.
The Russians call this type of warfare
Maskirovka, or masquerade, and it has never failed for them.
The key goal is to turn the enemy into his own enemy. Enrage him, deceive him, misdirect him. Make each enemy distrust each other one. Attrit him in small ways, and take small numbers, never become a big enough threat to force him to engage you in force.
In WWII terms, you are the resistance. The resistance did not win WWII, the Allies did. The Resistance undercut them enemy, and softened him. They forced him to divide his troops with whack a mole. They deceived him into believing the invasions was underway, or was coming from another direction as well once it had actually begun. The resistance cut communications, weakened infrastructure, and derailed commerce as well as military transport.
An unengaged populace, when no longer calm and content, when no longer reliable, is an ally that never fires a shot, they don't have to. That's the key means to reducing enemy morale. Soldat; can you trust that Frenchmen?
The Resistance also died in large numbers in the process. Victory is an exercise in sacrifice. Resistance works in the enemy's midst, always exposed, never truly safe. If you can't take the heat, stay out of the kitchen.
The innocent die too, often in reprisal for the works of the resistance. Do you really think a Socialist Administration in the White House wouldn't do this? Can you handle that?
Freedom has a price, it's not cheap, and it's always paid.