Member Link Up Southern CA below Camp Pendleton?

I'm in Southern California and would like to get a group of long range shooters together. Maybe we can resurrect this thread and get a group together. Any takers?
I'm in Southern California and would like to get a group of long range shooters together. Maybe we can resurrect this thread and get a group together. Any takers?

I'm in SoCal. I'm pretty new to the precision game but I'm very interested in learning. Always up for meeting knowledgeable and friendly people. Hopefully some more people from CA speak up and we can make a gathering happen.
There's a place up in Cherry Valley CA that overlooked an old jeep trail. Shooting out to 900, non official range, and then there is Hodge road up the 15 that you can shoot out to beyond your rifles limits (state land) non official range. These are the places I went when I was stationed on Pendleton, however it is all north of Pendleton. Have you checked the NRA range locator?
If you guys are interested in coming down to the Imperial Valley there are quite a few places to shoot, even passed a mile. There's always Ocotillo right as you get over the mountains on I-8 from San Diego (just be careful you aren't on the wildlife preservation). Also there is the Imperial Valley Rifle and Pistol Association which is in Seeley California by the superstition Mountains. It is about 15 minutes off the 8. They have monthly long range matches (10 rd strings at 200, 600 and out to 800 yards) and usually have a tactical rifle match on Saturdays once a month. (It's not a full blown tactical match but there is a guy behind a old military bunker holding an elevated human sized target moving back and forth at 200, pop ups at 600 then stationary at 800. Right now it's way too hot, guaranteed to be over 105 or 10, but things will start back up in October and go through May. Currently there's not that many guys coming who are serious shooters, my buddy and I have both put in a good bit of time a little bit of money to get good rifles and get better ourselves, but some guys out there shooting deer rifles. It would be great to have some more serious shooters come down to share experience and make everybody better.

The range site is

Also, PM me if you have any more questions or would be interested in shooting some LR. I have a full size IPSC and some other steel, all ar500. It doesn't get shot enough.
yeah the LA country guys get together a lot, vegas guys are a good group, phoenix but always seems like the SD country crowd keep to themselves. i'm deployed currently but we need to get together and start something more regular for the southern socal crowd, lol. Sick of shooting by myself or driving 3-6 hours or asking others to do the same. You unsocial peeps need to step up ;)
I can't really do a whole day of rifle shooting these days, but if anyone wants to try to meet up at Iron Sights in O'Side for handguns for an hour feel free to drop me a PM.
Being new to this and not having been there, I have been told of a range in Norco that goes to 1000 and Raahaugue's has a range that goes 600. Correct me if anyone knows for sure but here again both are north of Pendleton
If anybody is willing to help clear brush in SoCal, I may have the perfect 900 yard spot with cold beer and a few barbecues. Chime in, heavy equipment operators especially.
Well, I move out there on friday, and I am available daytimes once or twice a week, and on weekends. I don't mind going to a range that's 300, but I'd prefer to be shooting out past 500. I'm up for starting next week. I'm in Encinitas, but can travel up to two hours or so for a day at the range, and I don't mind camping. If anyone is interested in meeting up next week, please PM me.

Waveslayer, I'll meet up you at Trestles sometime. I haven't been surfing much in recent years, and never was that great, but I'm up for anything under overhead for now. Again, just PM me and let's do it whoever wants to shoot. I'm a bit spoiled from having Colorado Rifle club here, but I'm easy as long as I can get out there.
Completely agree with many of you that SoCal needs to get together. There are lots of small groups of shooters and a bunch of old timers who are tight with eachother. I would love to see these folks open up more and let more people in they have a a bunch of knowledge that so many could learn from. I deploy a lot so am only around for a few weeks at a time, but when back, as now, I am interested in meeting with folks when I can. I am going to head out to Pala this Friday, those that don't know it North County Shootist Association NCSA range is out to 894yrds, cost is 60 something for memebership, then 15 each shooting day, I think it is like 25 if you are not a member.