Belatedly (Aug 9, 2018) I found this thread. As there may be some who are confused, or want to understand, about how this group, Southwest ULR (SWULR), differs from the Unlimited Range Shooters Association (URSA), both of which have events in California, here is a comparison (based on my understanding of the “Rules” downloaded from the SWURL website, dated 180807, and posting by SWURL up to the time of this posting). Only significant differences are noted.
Discipline – SWURL (tactical ELR); URSA (unlimited range)
Distances shot at – SWULR (1760 – 3520 yards); URSA (2000 – unlimited yards)
Practice (Sight in)/Qualification/Advancing to the next distance – SWULR (up to one practice shot at each distance, no qualification, shooters advance regardless of getting any hits at a prior distance, presumably all shooters advance to all available distances); URSA (up to 10 practice shots and up to 10 qualification shots at 2000 plus up to 3 shots at each further distance; only qualified shooters shoot for record and advance, i.e., if they get at least 3 hits in up to 10 shots at 2000 and then get at least 4 hits in up to 10 shots at each longer distance). NOTE: “up to” means at the shooter’s option.
Scoring/Time limits – SWULR (10 points per hit at the first distance, 15 points per hit at the second distance, and 20 points per hit at the third distance - plus 3 points for each consecutive hit across all distances; 3 minutes per stage, 2 stages and 10 shots at each distance); URSA (does not use points – after qualifying (min 3 hits in up to 10 shots), each shooter that gets at least 4 hits in up to 10 consecutive shots advances to the next distance, assuming there are at least two shooters that have shot 4 in up to 10 at the current distance; no hard time limit at each distance, assume 1 minute per shot – may be exceeded for a new shooter).
Equipment – SWULR (unclear that there is a lower limit on caliber – rules and results posting vary, rules say “we strongly recommend a 300 magnum or larger…your 6.5 Creedmoor is not a viable option”; bipod or bench, sub-rules which define design and usage; rear bag only, no mechanical devices in the rear; max “rifle” weight, including bipod/bench rest setup (but not the actual bench), sandbags, etc (sic) – 45#; all equipment must be available to civilians, no military only); URSA (no limit on caliber/cartridge (save must be locally legal); no restriction on how the rifle is shot – bipod, bench, back of an SUV, just safely; no rifle weight limit; no limit on bullet material (save must be locally legal); no limit on tech used – today’s home-shop-made may be tomorrow’s mil).
Targets – SWURL (“…no smaller than 1.5 MOA” – current targets are rectangular, unclear how that specs in MOAs); URSA (37” round at all distances).
Spectators – SWURL (must be approved before the match – unclear, as worded, if those who do not want to bring a rifle and shoot are welcome; presumably no significant others that are not also shooting…notwithstanding that the results blurb says “ ‘Friends and family” match); URSA (NorCal – open to all; SoCal – only if the spectator reasonably expects to be able to shoot within 2-3 months, further = delay visit).
Spotter(s) – SWURL (allowed, must also be a shooter at the event); URSA (allowed, does not also need to be a shooter at the event).