SP10 Builders kit?? Where to find?

I'm a long time (15 year) - but admittedly very small time - dealer with Seekins. I had to wait 9 months for my last order for SP10 Builder's Kits. They gave me a whopping 10% off.

I guess I should consider myself fortunate I got anything.

The SP10 Builder's Kit is not even listed as something you can buy from Seekins on their 2024 dealer price.

When the SP10 was initially released many years back, you could not buy a "builder's kit" then, either.

I really don't blame them.
I waited for months before I gave up and just bought a different receiver set.

What really sucks is you cant even buy a large frame AR rail kit separately. Its a builders kit which you cant get, or nothing from them.
Your best bet is to backorder one from them and wait. They take close to a year to get. Other than that the only other option is to hope one pops up second hand which happens infrequently. There’s was one on here in the last couple months for like $1100 and it sold pretty quick.

Or just buy a whole SP10 rifle because they’re badass out of the box.
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