Sparrow (or other can) on voodoo?

I've tried SWR Spectre II & TBAC 22TD on my converted 40X & XB repeaters, as well as all four of my Vudoo repeaters, and none of them have shot quite as well as they do w/o a suppressor. I don't shoot suppressed in matches anymore because of that, but when a friend offered to loan his ATS to me to test with a suppressor, I found that it was fairly easy to dial the tuner to make up for the increase in group sizes caused by the mass of the can. It's no biggie to me to shoot unsuppressed, since these rifles all have 22" bbls. and so are fairly quiet with std vel ammo anyway...
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There's no "right" answer - it depends on your rig, and it doesn't matter what anyone else's does.

A buddy of mine had Lapua run two full tests on his Vudoo, one with suppressor and one without. The former produced discouraging results (I don't know what brand of can he has, but he doesn't go cheap on any of his gear). The latter set a single-group record of 10 shots into 0.4" center to center at 100 meters (109 yards) with Midas+. Mike Bush, formerly of Vudoo, has opined somewhere here on SH that he won't use a suppressor when the goal is best accuracy.

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I have found that most ammo shoots better unsuppressed from my Voodoo. However, some does shoot better suppressed. The best 100 yard groups I’ve fired were shot with RWS R100 and a Dead Air Mask. The same ammo was noticeably worse without the suppressor. Like downhillfromhere said, every rifle is different, so you’ll have to figure out what works best with your equipment.
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