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Movie Theater SpiderMan (reboot)


Full Member
Feb 17, 2010
Pensacola, FL
Saw Spiderman last night with the wife. While I was not planning to see it, it got good reviews and we were looking for some entertainment. Overall, I liked it. It was entertaining and fast moving, despite being over 2 hours. It didn't seem that long. The story parellels the last franchise, but is different enough. The actors all did a pretty good job.

I definately recommend this as a rental, it's worth a view. If you like comic book movies or Spiderman, it is good enough to spend your money on.
Re: SpiderMan (reboot)

I like Garfield over Toby, I think he did a better job.

Webslinging through the city was much better, they really played that aspect right.

As for the story, I thought the beginning was a bit after school special, but once it moved forward it was good.

They did go different enough to separate it from the others, which was good.
Re: SpiderMan (reboot)

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Maelek</div><div class="ubbcode-body">the previews looked really CG to me for the most part. is it overtly obvious for the whole movie that spidy is not really a person in the suit? </div></div>

Visuals are excellent. I only noticed one scene in the movie that really looked CGI. There are a couple of "on board" scenes of webbing through the city that were too busy. Also, it could be that it would have looked better in the 3D format.

The villain has to have a lot of CGI, that is noticable. Not sure why Hollywood has to overdo some things in film. I know you have CGI, but you don't have to make a character CGI just to do it.
Re: SpiderMan (reboot)

On big budget films like this nowadays, there are more CG shots that people think are 100% practical than bad CG shots that make people cringe. We cringe on little things no one in the audience notices.
Re: SpiderMan (reboot)

I thought it was a good movie. As mentioned above, it was different enough from the others to be its own picture on its own. The spiderman actor was better, IMO, that Toby. Also, from the beginning, I always felt Kirsten Dunst was mis-cast for her role. The new girl "Gwen" was much better, IMO. My son and I saw it in 3D, and thought the special effects were great. I'd recommend it.
Re: SpiderMan (reboot)

I saw it the other day. Really enjoyed it. The web slinging was much better than the other ones. Also, there was alot more humor/ good one-liners in this one.
Re: SpiderMan (reboot)

Here's a little behind the scenes from the film, showing the development of an all CG sequence. You can see the step by step process we do in the computer, including all of the little details like jiggling flesh and bits of dust, and why it's such a flexible approach for the director

(warning: may contain spoilers)
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