Looking to sell a used Springfield Armory Custom Professional .45ACP 1911 in excellent condition. This is the 1911 was originally developed for the FBl's Hostage Rescue Team (HRT).
Has around 850 trouble free rounds through it. It was meticulously cleaned after each range session.
Comes in original box with (6ea) 7rd mags & paperwork. Came from Buds Gunshop in 2019. One owner!
Asking $3850 shipped from my ffl dealer to your ffI dealer. Not looking for trades. Thx
Has around 850 trouble free rounds through it. It was meticulously cleaned after each range session.
Comes in original box with (6ea) 7rd mags & paperwork. Came from Buds Gunshop in 2019. One owner!
Asking $3850 shipped from my ffl dealer to your ffI dealer. Not looking for trades. Thx
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