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Sidearms & Scatterguns Springfield Hellcat Pro...Thoughts?


Sucks At Long Range
Full Member
Jun 18, 2018
Western NC
Looking to replace my Glock 43 with something with more capacity. I'm tall and fairly trim build (6'2" and 200lbs) and have a hard time hiding the thicker stuff like my G26 in warmer weather clothing, which, around here, is now about 7-8 months out of the year. For me, it's usually the width/thickness that gets me with printing. I love my Glocks, and I shoot them fairly well, but I'm really leaning towards a Hellcat Pro OSP model. I've fondled them a few times at gun shops, and it feels great in the hand, sights line up naturally for me, etc. I wasn't crazy about the trigger break, but I think I'd get used to that.

I've shot and tried the P365, and it just doesn't work for me as it doesn't aim naturally for me.

I've looked at other Glock options, including a 48x with shield mags, but I'm not crazy about that setup to be honest. I wish Glock would just release a competitor to all the smaller high-cap carry guns of their own.

Thoughts? Opinions? Other suggestions to look at?
I understand not liking a G26, it’s an odd shape to carry and shoot. I would make the Glock solutions work, particularly I’d get a G43x and run the factory 10 rounders or see if the Shield mags hold up, I haven’t looked into them in a while.

I would not trust the Sigs based on their continual trigger failures causing discharge and I would not trust any Springfield junk. The springfields are just garbage man. Find a Glock that works for you and roll with it.
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I'd spend some time adapting to the grip angle of the p365XL and the P365 X Macro because the "felt" Glock grip angle is known for being very unique.

Once you adjust to the p365XL and X Macro they'll point naturally.

The SA HC & HC Pro are wider pistols than the Sigs, and IMHO fall short of the Sigs' triggers, accuracy, ergos, etc.

Or, wait for the coming new HK SFP 9cc.
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Unlike the p320 reports, the Sig p365 series has had NO issues with uncommanded discharges inside holsters, like one user here has been peddling.

The user peddling that rumor intentionally can't provide ANY info that would allow for any confirmation a p365 discharged in a proper fitting holster, without being touched by the wearer, and without any object inside the holster. He's also admitted to not liking Sig's poly striker pistols and their newer rifles.
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I really like my Hellcat, but if concealing it is your concern, I don't know why you'd choose the Pro.

Accurate and reliable. I only have about 700-800 rounds through it, the only failures were ones I cause by experimenting with a certain aftermarket companies parts (combined with +P Cor-Bons). People laugh when I say my biggest complaint about the Hellcat is it's 100 yard accuracy with 115gr & 124gr ammo. 147's are quite acceptable. ;)

I tried several times over the years to warm up to the 365 and it always felt uncomfortable in my hand.
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I understand not liking a G26, it’s an odd shape to carry and shoot. I would make the Glock solutions work, particularly I’d get a G43x and run the factory 10 rounders or see if the Shield mags hold up, I haven’t looked into them in a while.

I would not trust the Sigs based on their continual trigger failures causing discharge and I would not trust any Springfield junk. The springfields are just garbage man. Find a Glock that works for you and roll with it.
To be fair, I love my G26, didn't mean to imply that I didn't. It's just chonky, and harder to carry most of the year here.

What exactly makes the Springfields garbage? I haven't really heard anything bad about them. Just curious.
I'd spend some time adapting to the grip angle of the p365XL and the P365 X Macro because the "felt" Glock grip angle is known for being very unique.

Once you adjust to the p365XL and X Macro they'll point naturally.

The SA HC & HC Pro are wider pistols than the Sigs, and IMHO fall short of the Sigs triggers, accuracy, ergos.

Or, wait for the coming new HK SFP 9cc.
Maybe my wrist angle is just weird. Glocks line up for me, 22/45 lines up for me, 1911 does, etc. Perhaps I'll rent a Sig P365XL and see how I get along with it. I worry that if I get used to something else, then when I switch to my other handguns, then they'll feel off, and my shooting will suffer. I tend to just go by what lines up on target without me having to adjust my natural point of aim with a carry gun.

Wasn't aware of a new HK offering, gonna look into that too.
I really like my Hellcat, but if concealing it is your concern, I don't know why you'd choose the Pro.

Accurate and reliable. I only have about 700-800 rounds through it, the only failures were ones I cause by experimenting with a certain aftermarket companies parts (combined with +P Cor-Bons). People laugh when I say my biggest complaint about the Hellcat is it's 100 yard accuracy with 115gr & 124gr ammo. 147's are quite acceptable. ;)

I tried several times over the years to warm up to the 365 and it always felt uncomfortable in my hand.
More capacity, larger grip, etc. Like I said, it's generally the thickness I find harder to conceal than grip length for me.
Commander or CCO? .45 AARP doesn't need the extra capacity, kills all the bad guys with just one shot.
LOL I love 1911s, but prefer striker fired for carry guns personally.
6'1 170lbs and I appendix carry a Wilson Combat P320 Carry that has a twin port compensator, a full size TXG grip module, a brass external magwell.

And I carry with a 21rd mag in the gun.

Your issue isn't the gun. No reason you can't conceal that small Glock, and I'm not talking about the 43.

Also, we tend to be far more anal about concealing any little piece of the gun causing a crease/fold than need be.

Ain't nobody noticing that shit, further, unless your gun is severely printing to the point where it looks like you intentionally created an outline of a gun on your shirt, nobody is pointing it out.

Nobody wants to be the asshole that points out someone has a thing under their shirt just to find out the person has stage 16 Diabetes and that's their Diabetes tube.

Or it's part of a colostomy bag or something.

We worry way more than need be, nobody is looking at you, they're too worried about worrying about all the people looking at them to be looking at you.

We worry too much about a magazine edge creating a crease or the corner of the red dot poking the shirt out a little...

Wear the gun you shoot best, don't handicap yourself for a situation that'll already have you behind the 8 ball.
I like the Hellcat. Installed an Apex trigger and Romeo Zero optic. Use a Safariland GLS holster. Very accurate @ 20 yards with a variety of ammo.

The Hellcat profile is quite similar to a number of other small frames, a few to ponder and compare it with including double stack .357 Sig calibers.

Springfield Armory Hellcat  Apex Trigger QD Mount Romeo Zero Sight In 11.25.20IMG_6997 copy.jpg
Springfield Armory Hellcat  Apex Trigger QD Mount Romeo Zero Sight In 11.25.20IMG_6999 copy.jpg
Springfield Armory Hellcat  Apex Trigger QD Mount Romeo Zero Sight In 11.25.20IMG_7001 copy.jpg
Springfield Armory Hellcat  Apex Trigger QD Mount Romeo Zero Sight In 11.25.20IMG_7002 copy.jpg
Springfield Armory Hellcat  Apex Trigger Romeo Zero Safariland GLS Holster 11.26.20IMG_7007 copy.jpg
Springfield Armory Hellcat  Apex Trigger Romeo Zero Safariland GLS Holster Grip Tape 11.27.20I...jpg
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IMG_5839 copy.jpg
I'll never trade a perfectly functional Glock for any gun from a company that doesn't have a good track record. Ever.

PSA is coming out with 15 round mags for the 43x. Shield Arms has mags that work for some and don't for others. And Glock Store makes +4 extensions for the factory mags. I see no reason to switch to a damn Springfield.

Everyone has a short memory when it comes to SIG. The 365 was breaking firing pins when it came out because SIG uses shitty MIM parts. They seem to have fixed that now but SIG as a company has a shitty business model.

HK is overrated and overpriced.

No one ever mentions Walther, who makes perfectly reliable pistols with better triggers than most of the rest.

S&W makes pistols that are maybe just a cunt hair short of being as reliable as Glock.
I'm 6'-1" and 205lbs. My hot weather carry is a G26 with the Gee Plate magazine base pads. They don't add any length at all, but provide a lip that hooks under your ring finger. They help tremendously with locating my hand consistently on the draw as well as locking the grip into my hand during recoil. https://www.geeplate.com/shop/glock-26-27-33-39/ .

Don't worry about a minuscule amount of printing with the width of a G26. 99.9% of the sheeple out there are too absorbed about how they appear to others rather than how you appear to them. Belt mounted mobile phone holsters print way more than a G26.

I have big meaty hands and anything smaller or thinner than a G26 really affects my accuracy at speed. I tried a SIG p238 once, but I would have about 5 action malfunctions out of a 100 rounds. Micro semi auto pistols just suck at reliability in big hands.

All I've done to it internally to my G26 is a polish job, a Ghost 3.5lb connector, and a 4.5 lb striker spring. It is 100% reliable with standard pressure 147gr Federal HSTs. Trigger pull weight at the middle of the shoe is 3.5-4.0lbs.

I usually run it in a couple of IDPA matches during the summer when our local clubs run carry guns only matches. They are open to any pistols equal to the size of a G19 or smaller. I usually place in the top 3 overall despite shooting the smaller G26. I tried a G19 twice before, but I run a G26 better. The G26 runs and tracks like a full size G17 for me, but the reloads on the clock are a bit clumsy due to the short magazines. On the street, I'm not likely to use up more than 10 rounds in self defense anyway.

Don't discount the capability of a G26. It truly is a sleeper that punches above its weight class.
So you have been running a 9mm pistol platform for some time now and I assume you have a support system for the 9mm round and Glocks already.

Palmetto State Armory is offering the Dagger Compact with ten 15 round magazines for $389.99. The Daggers are compatible with a variety of Glock spare parts and accessories and you would be purchasing from and supporting a company that represents the base level tier of the American armed citizen community. Some of those other companies like Sig and HK do not really stand with armed citizenry and they are only selling to our market because there IS a market here. PSA, Fenix Ammo, etc., operate on the primary basis that hardworking good people may be armed. (Springfield is good people though. Hellcat Pro MSRP is around $560 last time I checked) Just laying it here for your consideration. :)

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I'm 6'-1" and 205lbs. My hot weather carry is a G26 with the Gee Plate magazine base pads. They don't add any length at all, but provide a lip that hooks under your ring finger. They help tremendously with locating my hand consistently on the draw as well as locking the grip into my hand during recoil. https://www.geeplate.com/shop/glock-26-27-33-39/ .

Don't worry about a minuscule amount of printing with the width of a G26. 99.9% of the sheeple out there are too absorbed about how they appear to others rather than how you appear to them. Belt mounted mobile phone holsters print way more than a G26.

I have big meaty hands and anything smaller or thinner than a G26 really affects my accuracy at speed. I tried a SIG p238 once, but I would have about 5 action malfunctions out of a 100 rounds. Micro semi auto pistols just suck at reliability in big hands.

All I've done to it internally to my G26 is a polish job, a Ghost 3.5lb connector, and a 4.5 lb striker spring. It is 100% reliable with standard pressure 147gr Federal HSTs. Trigger pull weight at the middle of the shoe is 3.5-4.0lbs.

I usually run it in a couple of IDPA matches during the summer when our local clubs run carry guns only matches. They are open to any pistols equal to the size of a G19 or smaller. I usually place in the top 3 overall despite shooting the smaller G26. I tried a G19 twice before, but I run a G26 better. The G26 runs and tracks like a full size G17 for me, but the reloads on the clock are a bit clumsy due to the short magazines. On the street, I'm not likely to use up more than 10 rounds in self defense anyway.

Don't discount the capability of a G26. It truly is a sleeper that punches above its weight class.

Glocks are just purely made from the ground up to work, and from the pragmatic perspective, anything Glock or can run on Glock parts are the SMARTEST choice for anyone looking for a pistol platform that WILL run through the visible future, and I am talking more than 100 years into the future. That platform is here to stay. The availability of any and all Glock replacement parts on the market is insane. Even vendors who used to deal primarily in black powder and muzzleloader accessories like Numrich Gun Parts and Taylor's Firearms have a wide variety of Glock parts in case something essential breaks in one of yours, considering most Glocks in circulation right now are probably getting hundreds of rounds fired through them every few days.

Back during the Era of Niche Pistols and Calibers (2005-2012) when a lot of new exotic one hit wonder handguns and pistol cartridges from obscure brands are being advertised, driven partly by the zombie apocalypse pop culture craze of the time, I always uttered words of caution for people who are looking for a reliable platform that will last for ages and through the next generations as well. And by reliable I mean the availability of repair parts and continuous service life support. People who have impulse bought electric vehicles are already finding out the hard way right now when they are discovering that very few automotive shops are even equipped to work on EVs...
FWIW, once I switched out to the shield mag release the shield 15 rounders have been perfect. The cut on it is different than the OEM one and that's what makes the shield mags work like shit after awhile.

another one to look at might be the FN Reflex, if you can find them in stock. I'll probably pick one up when I can find the MRD version somewhere. I played with a buddies and it feels nice. The hammer fired trigger is a good upgrade.
I really appreciate all the info and advice guys. I think for now, I'm just going to explore more holster options for the 26 and stick with that. I've always shot it well, and it's been nothing but a workhorse that's ate everything I've fed it. Besides, a couple of new holsters are cheaper than a new handgun, and that leaves more in the fun fund for another rifle down the road.
I really appreciate all the info and advice guys. I think for now, I'm just going to explore more holster options for the 26 and stick with that. I've always shot it well, and it's been nothing but a workhorse that's ate everything I've fed it. Besides, a couple of new holsters are cheaper than a new handgun, and that leaves more in the fun fund for another rifle down the road.

If I can conceal a G17 under a t shirt, and I am smaller than you, there is no reason why you can't conceal a 26 under same.

Start holster shopping here:
  1. https://tenicor.com/collections/glo...aiwb-holster-for-glock?variant=40028866904139
  2. https://tenicor.com/collections/glock-holsters/products/certum3-iwb-holster-for-glock
  3. https://www.jmcustomkydex.com/p/QS-AIWB-Holster.html
There's a reason why I will never buy a Hellcat, Shield, Glock gen 3 or 4, or p365. Try and lock the slide back left handed. There is no slide lock on the right side of the gun.

Edit: I had incorrect info about glocks initially. Fixed above.
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There's a reason why I will never buy a Hellcat, Shield, Glock, or p365. Try and lock the slide back left handed. There is no slide lock on the right side of the gun.
As @308pirate said, current Glocks have slide locks on both sides and the mag release can be swapped sides. They’re fully ambi. Also as a right handed shooter I’ve used the opposite side slide release many times to engage and drop the slide using my trigger finger and I don’t see why a left handed shooter couldn’t do the same thing with a non ambi gun.
as a right handed shooter I’ve used the opposite side slide release many times to engage and drop the slide using my trigger finger and I don’t see why a left handed shooter couldn’t do the same thing with a non ambi gun.
I was going to try that at home too, as I know at least one right handed shooter who has short thumbs and reversed the mag release to hit it with his trigger finger.
I was going to try that at home too, as I know at least one right handed shooter who has short thumbs and reversed the mag release to hit it with his trigger finger.
It's so easy to do and I don't feel there's any risk to it. The thumb is easier to use but trigger finger on opposite side works just fine. I do use the glock factory 'extended' slide release on my guns, which has just a little stamped boss portion to it rather than just the flat section to engage. I do think it's a worthwhile change.
As @308pirate said, current Glocks have slide locks on both sides and the mag release can be swapped sides. They’re fully ambi. Also as a right handed shooter I’ve used the opposite side slide release many times to engage and drop the slide using my trigger finger and I don’t see why a left handed shooter couldn’t do the same thing with a non ambi gun.
Some guns it is possible. Shield and hellcat pro it is not possible for me to actuate slide release with my left hand. Try it yourself. Don't remember if I have tried to do it on a p365. Mag button I'm mostly used to using my middle finger vs thumb so that doesn't matter as much.

I also edited my post above about glocks. Thanks for the correction.
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There's a reason why I will never buy a Hellcat, Shield, Glock gen 3 or 4, or p365. Try and lock the slide back left handed. There is no slide lock on the right side of the gun.

Edit: I had incorrect info about glocks initially. Fixed above.

I just looked at the Glock USA site and they show the 43x and 48 with slide controls only on one side.
Some guns it is possible. Shield and hellcat pro it is not possible for me to actuate slide release with my left hand.
I just tried with a gen 3 19 and 17. Pretty easy even for a manipulation that I literally had never done before.

No matter, the Gen 5 is the one to get for more reasons than just the ambidextrous slide release.
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