I dont have to build a Waypoint at all.
And "better action" based on what, your opinion?
The Waypoint is an excellent rifle and extremely accurate for its price in one package.
Keep hating

Based on my opinion? Absolutely... But also based on actual design specs and facts. Plus the fact I've been doing this a VERY long time, and have been spec'ing all my own custom built precision bolt-action rifles on 700 actions and even a Browning A-Bolt for the last 22 years. I can tell you're extremely new to guns, or you're some dumbass kid under 25 who listens to the paid youtube shills or the retards at Bass Pro that also don't know their asses from a hole in the ground, so pay attention and you might learn something...
Yes, the Solus is a better action in literally every aspect. I've handled quite a few Waypoints, and they are nothing more than a churched-up 2-lug 90º Remington 700 style action. They even use standard R700 6-48 base screws. Literally the only functional upgrades it has over a 700 is the integral recoil lug, 2 pins for the pic rail base, and the factory threaded bolt handle so you can change the knobs easily. That's it. The spiral-fluted bolt body is nice, but serves no actual function other than aesthetics.
Also, the factory Waypoint barrel is not even a REAL carbon fiber wrapped barrel. It is a skinny turned-down stainless barrel that floats inside of a tensioned carbon fiber tube over the top of it. While this type of barrel has been proven in the rimfire world due to the rimfire not producing much pressure and not creating a lot of recoil and barrel whip, it is not the smartest approach in the centerfire world, IMO. You crack that sleeve in any kind of accident, and your rifle is fucked. Time for a new barrel. Honestly, the Waypoint shouldn't cost more than $1,500 tops, because the barrels are garbage. Just because something shoots well, doesn't mean it's not a piss-poor garbage design. Even a turd can be polished, and a blind squirrel finds a nut every now and then.
The Waypoint has a bolt-on picatinny scope base, and the Solus has a fully CNC-machined integrated 20MOA base designed into the top of the action creating a MUCH truer scope mounting surface, and a much stronger action with no flex.
Not to mention, the Solus is actually machined from a solid billet of 416r stainless steel. It has a 3-lug 60-degree bolt, which handles chamber pressures more evenly by spreading it over more surface area. And it also has dual pressure relief ports for the rare event of a CF. The Solus is exponentially beefier in every aspect.
Is the Solus the best action ever made... Nope. Not by a long shot. But it's still leaps, and bounds better than a Waypoint or any other factory mass-produced action on the market. Take the advice, or leave it...I honestly don't give a fuck either way. But you won't make very many friends on here with that attitude when experienced people are trying to give you solid advice.
Also, as for the "building" a rifle part, with the Solus I linked you to, a gunsmith does all the actual hard work. So, if you don't have the mechanical abilities or knowledge to literally tighten 2 screws into an action from the bottom of a stock, and torque it to the right specs then you probably don't need to be owning or shooting guns.
My entire point is not which rifle is better, or to get you to buy a Solus. My entire point was that you can spend that same $2,500 and have a MUCH better rifle in your hands, than some factory assembled crapshoot that you're taking a risk on.