SR25 ACC Issues


May 19, 2020

I purchased an SR25 ACC from a local guy earlier last year in like new condition. I shot close to 200 rounds through it with a variety of ammo and magazines and it ran flawlessly in warm weather.

I live in Alaska, and I took it out to zero my NX8 on it and had various issues. The rifle is unsuppressed.

At 0F I had the weapon lubed with the same type of lubricant I have my other similar rifles (416/417/AR10) lubricated with.
Using the KAC mag with German MEN DAG I had multiple failure to feeds. I did not have time or any other mags or ammo with me so I threw it back in the case and went home.

The second trip I was more prepared. I cleaned and relubed the weapon. It was a bit warmer at 20F.
I used PMAG G2/3 and 118LR mags, Lancer Mags, Larue Mags, and KAC mags.
Ammo used was M80, German DAG, M62, GMM 175 and BHM 175.

None of the above combinations could make it through 2-3 rounds without a Failure to feed.

I am a bit perplexed at this point, the rifle ran flawlessly in warmer temps and now I have lost some faith in it. I have not been able to reach KAC with 3 phone calls spanning from a time period before SHOT show up until now. The only thread I can find with a similar event is a guy who had a leak in his gas system and KAC replaced it.

My questions are-

Has anyone had a similar experience?

Has anyone had any issues with KAC customer service? I have never had an issue contacting CS at Larue or HK. I figured they were busy around the SHOT show time period but it’s been a few weeks and still no joy.

Does the E2 bolt have a firing pin spring? I know my 417 and other pattern rifles do, and can not find any solid answer on whether the ACC does, even their manual doesn’t say.

Thanks for your help.
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[email protected] always gotten a response within 48 hours.

Alternatively try:

I would check the gas block make sure it isn’t loose/misaligned, then check spring. Hopefully it’s just something small or dumb.

Unless it was taken apart with specific tools and put back together poorly there’s no way the gas block could have moved. It is keyed to the shoulder of the gas journal and retained by a threaded on castle nut.
I have a ECC and the problems you're having, sounds like the trouble I was having, ammo..

When running factory boxed, 175 gmm was only ammo that I found tocycle through rifle reliably.
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How was the ejection pattern compared to when you shot it at warmer temperatures? Brass flying forwards and a good 6+ feet away, brass trickling out?

No firing pin spring in the E2 bolt. There's no firing pin spring for DI/Stoner Gas design.

Edit - Did it come with the KAC HH buffer or did whoever you buy it from swap it out for something different? Easy to tell if it's KAC; they have a rivet to retain the rear bumper and laser engraved logo on the buffer face.
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Should have a H2 carbine buffer in the intermediate length/A5 RE. Check to see if it was replaced with a H3. You could also try a H buffer if it's a H2 now, but that might cause issues in warmer weather.. Being patient for KAC is the safest bet. Also, unclemoak from d. wilson might know a thing or two.

Edit: already posted above

I purchased an SR25 ACC from a local guy earlier last year in like new condition. I shot close to 200 rounds through it with a variety of ammo and magazines and it ran flawlessly in warm weather.

I live in Alaska, and I took it out to zero my NX8 on it and had various issues. The rifle is unsuppressed.

At 0F I had the weapon lubed with the same type of lubricant I have my other similar rifles (416/417/AR10) lubricated with.
Using the KAC mag with German MEN DAG I had multiple failure to feeds. I did not have time or any other mags or ammo with me so I threw it back in the case and went home.

The second trip I was more prepared. I cleaned and relubed the weapon. It was a bit warmer at 20F.
I used PMAG G2/3 and 118LR mags, Lancer Mags, Larue Mags, and KAC mags.
Ammo used was M80, German DAG, M62, GMM 175 and BHM 175.

None of the above combinations could make it through 2-3 rounds without a Failure to feed.

I am a bit perplexed at this point, the rifle ran flawlessly in warmer temps and now I have lost some faith in it. I have not been able to reach KAC with 3 phone calls spanning from a time period before SHOT show up until now. The only thread I can find with a similar event is a guy who had a leak in his gas system and KAC replaced it.

My questions are-

Has anyone had a similar experience?

Has anyone had any issues with KAC customer service? I have never had an issue contacting CS at Larue or HK. I figured they were busy around the SHOT show time period but it’s been a few weeks and still no joy.

Does the E2 bolt have a firing pin spring? I know my 417 and other pattern rifles do, and can not find any solid answer on whether the ACC does, even their manual doesn’t say.

Thanks for your help.

Definitely reach out to Jack Leuba on social media or you can even send him a DM here @Failure2Stop. Pressures drop in cold weather, but, KAC guns gennerally speaking should be tested down to -60 for function on Mil Ammo as that the baseline for any cold chamber testing in the DoD.