This will be a precision rifle series rimfire match on July 31st. 22 LR only. 100 rounds, 10 stages, 10 shots max per stage. Please have sight settings for 25 to 300 yds. Eye and ear protection mandatory, and please have a safe trigger, we will be going by PRS Series rules for safety and DQ's. $20.00 match fee to be paid at the match, Juniors 16 and under free. Juniors 17 and under will require a parent to be present. Please sign up both the parent and the junior.
There is a limit of 30 competitors.
Match fees are due at the match, in cash.
Match safety meeting at 9:00 AM. Sight in starts at 9:30. Match starts at 10:00.
Looking forward to a fun day of shooting, Gary
There is a limit of 30 competitors.
Match fees are due at the match, in cash.
Match safety meeting at 9:00 AM. Sight in starts at 9:30. Match starts at 10:00.

Precision Rifle Series - Southern Michigan Precision Rifle Se...
The Precision Rifle Series is the preeminent rifle organization in the world, structuring a yearly points race for both the PRS Pro Bolt Gun Series and the PRS Regional Series. The PRS Championship Shooting Series is synonymous with precision rifle

St Joe Valley Conservation Club-NRL22 | PractiScore
Looking forward to a fun day of shooting, Gary