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starting a shooting match


Full Member
Aug 22, 2010
Fargo, ND
I have been wanting to shooting in one of these matches for quite some time, but none of them are ever near me, and I am never able to drive to them. So that got me to think, and talking to a few buddies, about starting something like that up here.

I am going to start looking for land and see what I can't come up with, but was wondering how some of the matches are layed out for the larger caliber rifles.

Then of course would want to get some steel plates out at different ranges and at different sizes ( some to mimic 1000 yard shots and what not )

What tips or advice can you give a group of guys that is wanting to start this up? Any thing you guys can advise would be greatly apperciated!
Re: starting a shooting match

woogie, don't know what type of match your talking about, it's like half your post got cut off.

if you want to style them off established matches check out the NRA and CMP sites for COFs, sizes of the targets, and types of equipment needed.

there are also 1000, 600, and 300 yard reduced targets that can be used at closer distances, like 100 yards that may work as paper targets or the size of steel plates.

i'm trying to get our range to open there recently unused and unpromoted long range to be a regular event on our monthly / weekly schedule. i figured steel plates would be a good thing to use, and that a generic size to use:

200 M = 12", 8", 6" & 4" and a woodchuck silhouette, 1 highpower silhouette chicken

300 M = 18", 8", 6" and a woodchuck silhouette, 1 highpower silhouette pig

385 M = 18", 12" 8" 1 highpower silhouette turkey, a steel full sized IDPA shaped target or other bad guy head / torso steel target (for fun).

i figure those sizes are generic enough at those ranges to be usefull as practice plinkers for the black cirle and 10 ring on the official paper targets and will cover everything from silhouette to benchrest, CMP service rifle to NRA highpower, whether it's standing, kneeling, sitting or prone, slow or rapid fire. varmint or target shooter.

if figured whatever dicipline folks shoot, there's a size target that's similiar in size to the real thing. pick it and shoot it.

maybe use some of those ideas with the reduced sized targets for shorter distance rimfire use for the size of steel plates, throw in a few pepper poppers, and some other types of paper targets.

then there are these:

CMP has a sporter competition: http://www.odcmp.com/nm/rimfire.htm

Then there is the Ruger Rimfire Challenge: http://www.ruger.com/micros/rugerRimfire/index.html

there's a few more matches mentioned in these threads to get some idea's from:


F class style rimfire matches


NC .22 tactical match
Re: starting a shooting match

We have a fun match every month, all rimfire.

Sometimes pistols and steel at 10 to 25 yards.

Sometimes rifles or pistols and lolipops at 25 and 50 yards.

Soemtimes 1/5 scale silly-wets at 50 to 125 yards.

Sometimes bowling pins at 25 and 50 yards (both rifle and pistol)

Sometimes medicine match - tums, asprin, etc. at 25 and 50 yards
Re: starting a shooting match

Yeah half my post did get cut off..... hmmm.

Looks like I have some reading to do then

What me and the buddies are looking at is doing like what they do at some of the sniper challenges, but scale it back for .22lr only. Have the different lanes and have a few targets set out at different ranges. You would have to range and make the shot in a specific ammount of time.

Some positions will be in weird spots so you would have to get creative with your shooting positions. While some are going to be basic easy shots, but with a hostage infront of the target, as well as some elevated shooting positions and what not.

Then was thinking for scoring depending on the target that the person shoots on will be the points. 1 point for the closer target and 2 for the furthest, and then -1 point for every extra shot that they take at the target, and -.5 point for every second they go over the time limit. Then at the end have a "know your rifle" shot, so you can try and make up some points.

Again thanks for the posts guys, I will get some reading done and see what we can't get set up. And of course pictures will be posted